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Publications 2025
264. J. Stamm, S. S. Priyadarsini, S. Sandhu, A. Chakraborty, J. Shen, S. Kwon, J. Sandhu, C. Wicka, A. Mehmood, B. G. Levine, P. Piecuch, M. Dantus, “Factors governing H3+
formation from methyl halogens and pseudohalogens,” Nat. Commun. 16, 410 (2025). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-55065-5
Publications 2024
263. J. Stamm, S. Kwon, M. Dantus, “Determining Key Factors for the Open-Loop Control of Molecular Fragmentation Using Shaped Strong Fields,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15, 9099 (2024).
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02889
262. E. Prieto Zamudio, R. Das, N. Krishnakanth Katturi, J. Stamm, J. Sandhu, S. Kwon, M. Minasian, M. Dantus, “Enhanced strong-field ionization and fragmentation of methanol using non-commensurate field,” J. Phys. Chem. A. 128, 9099 (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.4c05584
261. M. Dantus, “Ultrafast studies of elusive chemical reactions in the gas phase,” Science 385, eadk1833 (2024). DOI: 10.1126/science.adk1833
260. S. Anishchik, M. Dantus, “Optical microscope with nanometer longitudinal resolution based on a Linnik interferometer,” J. Opt. 26 115602(2024). DOI: 10.1088/2040-8986/ad77e3
259. J. Stamm, S. Kwon, S. Sandhu, J. Sandhu, B. Levine, M. Dantus, “Coherence mapping to identify the intermediates of multi-channel dissociative ionization,” Commun. Chem. 7, 103 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s42004-024-01176-5
258. M. Dantus, “Tracking Molecular Fragmentation in Electron-Ionization Mass Spectrometry with Ultrafast Time Resolution,” Acc. Chem. Res. 57, 033003 (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.3c00713
257. T. Severt, E. Weckworth, B. Kaderiya, P. Feizollah, B. Jochim, K. Borne, F. Ziaee, K. Raju, K. Carnes, M. Dantus, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, E. Wells, I. Ben-Itzhak, “Initial-site characterization of hydrogen migration following strong-field double-ionization of ethanol,” Nat. Comm. 15, 74 (2024).
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-44311-x
Publications 2023
256. J. Stamm, S. Kwon, S. Sandhu, M. Shaik, R. Das, J. Sandhu, B. Curenton, C. Wicka, B. G. Levine, L. Sun, M. Dantus, “The Surprising Dynamics of the McLafferty Rearrangement
,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 10088-10093 (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c02102
255. S. Kwon, S. Sandhu, M. Shaik, J. Stamm, J. Sandhu, R. Das, C. V. Hetherington, B. G. Levine, M. Dantus, “What is the mechanism of H3+ Formation from Cyclopropane?,” J. Phys. Chem. A. 127, 8633-8638 (2023).
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.3c05442
254. M. Dantus, “Insights into ultrafast H3+ formation provide a glimpse into primordial chemistry,” Nat. Chem. 15, 1202-1203 (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41557-023-01298-8
Publications 2022
253. J. Stamm, L. DeJesus, A. Jones, M. Dantus, “Quantitative Identification of Nonpolar Perfluoralkyl Substances by Mass Spectrometry”, J. Phys. Chem. 126, 8851-8858 (2022). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.2c05373
252. J. Stamm, S. Li, B. Jochim, S. Yuwono, S. Priyadarsini, P. Piecuch, M. Dantus, “Femtosecond intramolecular rearrangement of the CH3NCS radical cation”, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 214304 (2022).
DOI: 10.1063/5.0117875
251. S. Li, B. Jochim, J. Stamm, D. Peng, H. Shao, J. M. N. Djiokap, M. Dantus, “Pulse shaping in strong-field ionization: Theory and experiments,” Phys. Rev. A 105, 053105 (2022). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.053105
250. B. Jochim, L. DeJesus, M. Dantus, “Ultrafast disruptive probing: simultaneously keeping track of tens of reaction pathways,”, Rev. Sci. Instr. 93, 033003 (2022). DOI: 10.1063/5.0084837
249. J. Lahiri, S. Sandhu, B. G. Levine, M. Dantus, “Human Serum Albumin Dimerization Enhances the S2 Emission of Bound Cyanine IR806,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 1825-1832 (2022).
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c03735
Publications 2021
248. B. Capistran, S. Yuwono, M. Moemeni, S. Maity, A. Vahdani, B. Borhan, J. Jackson, P. Piecuch, M. Dantus, G. Blanchard, “Intramolecular Relaxation Dynamics Mediated by Solvent-Solute Interactions of Substituted Fluorene Derivatives. Solute Structural-Dependence,” J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 12486-12499 (2021).
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c06475
247. B. Capistran, S. Yuwono, M. Moemeni, S. Maity, A. Vahdani, B. Borhan, J. Jackson, P. Piecuch, M. Dantus, G. Blanchard, “Excited State Dynamics of a Substituted Fluorene Derivative. The Central Role of Hydrogen Bonding Interactions with the Solvent,” J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 12242-12253 (2021).
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c06474
246. M. Laboe,* J. Lahiri,* N. Mohan T. M., F. Liang, B. Levine, W. Beck, M. Dantus, “Linear and Nonlinear Optical Processes Controlling S2 and S1 Dual Fluorescence in Cyanine Dyes,” J. Phys. Chem. A 125, 9770-9784 (2021). *These authors contributed equally to the work
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.1c05772
245. M. Dantus, “Ahmed Zewail: 1946–2016,” Biographical Memoirs, the National Academy of Sciences.
244. J. Lahiri, S. H. Yuwono, I. Magoulas, M. Moemeni, B. Borhan, G. J. Blanchard, P. Piecuch and M. Dantus, “Controlling Quantum Interference between Virtual and Dipole Two Photon Optical Excitation Pathways Using Phase-Shaped Laser Pulses,” J. Phys. Chem. A 125, 7534-7544 (2021). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.1c03069
243. J. Stamm, and M. Dantus, “A comparison of strategies for state-selective coherent Raman excitation,” J. Raman Spectroscopy (Special issue) 29, 14314-14325 (2021). DOI: 10.1002/jrs.6219
242. S. Li, B. Jochim, J. E. Jackson, and M. Dantus “Femtosecond dynamics and coherence of ionic retro-Diels–Alder reactions,” J. Chem. Phys. 155, 044303 (2021). DOI: 10.1063/5.0048380
241. J. Stamm, J. Benel, E. Escoto, G. Steinmeyer and M. Dantus, “Milliradian precision ultrafast pulse control for spectral phase metrology,” Optics Express 29, 14314-14325 (2021). DOI: 10.1364/OE.422739
240. J. Kline and M. Dantus, “The transition dipole moment representation and spectral phasors,” Proc. SPIE 11648, 1164813 (2021). DOI: 10.1117/12.2582780
239. J. Kline and M. Dantus, “Chemical complexity of the retina addressed by novel phasor analysis of unstained multimodal microscopy,” Chem. Phys., 543, 111091 (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2021.111091
Publications 2020
238. J. Lahiri, M. Moemeni, J. Kline, I. Magoulas, S. H. Yuwono, M. Laboe, J. Shen, B. Borhan, P. Piecuch, J. E. Jackson, G. J. Blanchard and M. Dantus, “Isoenergetic Two-Photon Excitation Enhances Solvent-to-Solute Excited-State Proton Transfer,” J. Chem. Phys., 153, 224301 (2020). DOI: 10.1063/5.0020282
237. J. Lahiri, M. Moemeni, I. Magoulas, S. H. Yuwono, J. Kline, B. Borhan, P. Piecuch, J. E. Jackson, G. J. Blanchard and M. Dantus, “Steric effects in light-induced solvent proton abstraction,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 19613-19622 (2020). DOI: 10.1039/D0CP03037F
236. J. Lahiri, J. Kline and M. Dantus, “Ultrafast pulse metrology for industrial applications,” Proc. SPIE 11270, 112700K (2020). DOI: 10.1117/12.2546754
235. S. Li, D. Sierra-Costa, M. J. Michie, I. Ben-Itzhak and M. Dantus, “Control of electron recollision and molecular nonsequential double ionization,” Comm. Phys. 3, 35 (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s42005-020-0297-3
Publications 2019
234. J. Lahiri, M. Moemeni, J. Kline, B. Borhan, I. Magoulas, S. H. Yuwono, P. Piecuch, J. E. Jackson, M. Dantus and G. J. Blanchard, “Proton Abstraction Mediates Interactions between the Super Photobase FR0-SB and Surrounding Alcohol Solvent,” J. Phys. Chem. B 123, 8448 (2019). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b06580
233. A. Ghanbarpour, M. Nairat, M. Nosrati, E. M. Santos, C. Vasileiou, M. Dantus, B. Borhan, and J. H. Geiger, “Mimicking Microbial Rhodopsin Isomerization in a Single Crystal,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 1735 (2019).
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b12493
232. M. J. Michie, N. Ekanayake, N. P. Weingartz, J. Stamm, and M. Dantus, “Quantum coherent control of H3+ formation in strong fields,” J. Chem. Phys. 150, 044303 (2019). DOI: 10.1063/1.5070067
Publications 2018
231. N. Ekanayake , M. Nairat, N. P. Weingartz, M. J. Michie, B. G.
Levine, and M. Dantus, “Substituent effects on H3+ formation via H2 roaming mechanisms from organic molecules under strong-field photodissociation,” J. Chem. Phys. 149, 244310 (2018).
230. N. Ekanayake, T. Severt, M. Nairat, N. P. Weingartz, B. M. Farris, B. Kaderiya, P. Feizollah, B. Jochim, F. Ziaee, K. Borne, K. Raju P., K. D. Carnes, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, B. G. Levine, J. E. Jackson, I. Ben-Itzhak, and M. Dantus, “H2 roaming chemistry and the formation of H3+ from organic molecules in strong laser fields,” Nat. Commun. 9, 5186 (2018).
229. W. Shang,* M. Nairat,* P. Pawlaczyk, E. Mroczka, B. Farris, E. Pines, J. Geiger, B. Borhan, and M. Dantus, “Ultrafast Dynamics of a "Super" Photobase,” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 14742 –14746 (2018).
*These authors contributed equally to the work
Publications 2017
228. G.A. Murashova, C.A. Mancuso, J.L. Canfield, S. Sakami, K. Palczewski, G. Palczewska, and M. Dantus, “Multimodal nonlinear optical imaging of unstained retinas in the epi-direction with a sub-40 fs Yb-fiber laser,” Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 5228 (2017).
227. V.V. Lozovoy, M. Nairat, and M. Dantus, “Binary-phase compression of stretched
pulses,” J. Opt. 19, 105506 (2017).
226. M. Dantus, “Femtosecond Laser Shaping: From Laboratory to Industry,” CRC Press 2017.
225. N. Ekanayake, M. Nairat, B. Kaderiya, P. Feizollah, B. Jochim, T. Severt, B. Berry, K. Raju P., K.D. Carnes, S. Pathak, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, I. Ben-Itzhak, C.A. Mancuso, B.S. Fales, J.E. Jackson, B.G. Levine, and M. Dantus, “Mechanisms and time-resolved dynamics for trihydrogen cation (H3+) formation from organic molecules in strong laser fields,” Sci. Rep. 7, 4703 (2017).
224. M. Nairat, M. Webb, M.P. Esch, V.V. Lozovoy, B.G. Levine, and M. Dantus, “Time-resolved signatures across the intramolecular response in substituted cyanine dyes,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 14085-14095 (2017).
223. G. Rasskazov,* A. Ryabtsev,* and M. Dantus, “Eye-safe near-infrared trace explosives detection and imaging,” Opt. Express 25, 5832-5840 (2017).
*These authors contributed equally to the work
222. G.A. Murashova, C.A. Mancuso, S. Sakami, K. Palczewski, G. Palczewska, and M. Dantus, “Epi-direction detected multimodal imaging of an unstained mouse retina with a Yb-fiber laser,” Proc. SPIE 10069, 100692K (2017).
221. G. Rasskazov, M. Nairat, I. Magoulas, V.V. Lozovoy, P. Piecuch, and M. Dantus, “Femtosecond real-time probing of reactions MMXVII: The predissociation of sodium iodide in the A 0+ state,” Chem. Phys. Lett. 683, 121-127 (2017).
220. G. Rasskazov,* A. Ryabtsev,* K. Charan, T. Wang, C. Xu, and M. Dantus, “Characterization and adaptive compression of
a multi-soliton laser source,” Opt. Express 25, 320-329 (2017).
*These authors contributed equally to the work
Publications 2016
219. M. Nairat, V.V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, “Order of Magnitude Dissociative Ionization Enhancement Observed for Pulses with High Order Dispersion,” J. Phys. Chem. A 120, 8529-8536 (2016).
218. I. Saytashev, R. Glenn, G.A. Murashova, S. Osseiran, D. Spence, C.L. Evans, and M. Dantus, “Multiphoton excited hemoglobin fluorescence and third harmonic generation for non-invasive microscopy of stored blood,” Biomed. Opt. Express 7, 3449-3460 (2016).
217. H. Tu, Y. Liu, D. Turchinovich, M. Marjanovic, J.K. Lyngsø, J. Lægsgaard, E.J. Chaney, Y. Zhao, S. You, W.L. Wilson, B. Xu, M. Dantus and S.A. Boppart, “Stain-free histopathology by programmable supercontinuum pulses,” Nat. Photonics 10, 534-540 (2016).
216. A. Ryabtsev, S. Pouya, A. Safaripour, M. Koochesfahani, and M. Dantus, “Fluid flow vorticity measurement using laser beams with orbital angular momentum,” Opt. Exp. 24, 11762-11767 (2016).
215. R. Glenn and M. Dantus, “Molecular level crossing and the geometric phase effect from the optical Hanle perspective,” Phys. Rev. A 93, 043402 (2016).
214. S.N. Arkhipov, I. Saytashev, and M. Dantus, “Intravital Imaging Study on Photodamage Produced by Femtosecond Near-infrared Laser Pulses in Vivo,” Photochem. Photobiol. 92, 308-313 (2016).
213. I. Saytashev, M. Murphy, S. Osseiran, D.M. Spence, C.L. Evans and M. Dantus “The nature of multiphoton fluorescence from red blood cells,” Proc. SPIE 9712, 97121W (2016).
212. A. Konar, V.V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, “Stimulated Emission Enhancement Using Shaped Pulses,” J. Phys. Chem. A 120, 2002-2008 (2016).
211. M. Nairat, A. Konar, V.V. Lozovoy, W.F. Beck, G.J. Blanchard, and M. Dantus, “Controlling S2 Population in Cyanine Dyes Using Shaped Femtosecond Pulses,” J. Phys. Chem. A 120, 1876-1885 (2016).
210. R. Glenn and M. Dantus, “Single Broadband Phase-Shaped Pulse Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy for Standoff Trace Explosive Detection,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 117-125 (2016).
209. G. Rasskazov, A. Ryabtsev, V.V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, “Mitigating self-action processes with chirp or binary phase shaping,” Optics Letters 41, 131-134 (2016).
Publications 2015
208. M. Dantus, “More on femtosecond bond formation,” Physics Today 68, 10-11 (2015).
207. M. Balu, I. Saytashev, J. Hou, M. Dantus, and B.J. Tromberg “Sub‐40 fs, 1060‐nm Yb‐fiber laser enhances penetration depth in nonlinear optical microscopy of human skin,” J. Biomed. Opt. 20, 120501 (2015).
206. V.V. Lozovoy, G. Rasskazov, A. Ryabtsev, and M. Dantus, “Phase-only synthesis of ultrafast stretched square pulses,” Optics Express 23, 27105-27112 (2015).
205. G. Rasskazov, V.V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, “Spectral amplitude and phase noise characterization of titanium-sapphire lasers,” Optics Express 23, 23597-23602 (2015).
204. V.V. Lozovoy, G. Rasskazov, D. Pestov, and M. Dantus, “Quantifying noise in ultrafast laser sources and its effect on nonlinear applications,” Optics Express 23, 12037-12044 (2015).
203. R. Mittal, R. Glenn, I. Saytashev, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Femtosecond Nanoplasmonic Dephasing of Individual Silver Nanoparticles and Small Clusters,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 1638–1644 (2015).
202. G. J. Parker, D. E. Parker, B. Nie, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “LIBS and ablation threshold analysis using a megahertz Yb fiber laser oscillator,” Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy (2015).
201. M. Nairat, A. Konar, M. Kaniecki, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Investigating the Role of Human Serum Albumin Protein Pocket on the Excited State Dynamics of Indocyanine Green Using Shaped Femtosecond Laser Pulses,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 17, 5872-5877 (2015).
200. I. Saytashev, B. Xu, M.T. Bremer, and M. Dantus, “Simultaneous Selective Two-Photon Microscopy Using MHz Rate Pulse Shaping and Quadrature
Detection of the Time-Multiplexed Signal,” Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, K. Yamanouchi et al., Eds. (Springer Proceedings in Physics 162, 2015).
199. B. Nie, I. Saytashev, and M. Dantus, “Towards a Compact Fiber Laser for Multimodal Imaging,” Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, K. Yamanouchi et al., Eds. (Springer Proceedings in Physics 162, 2015).
198. A. Konar, V.V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, “Solvent Environment Revealed by Positively Chirped Pulses,” Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, K. Yamanouchi et al., Eds. (Springer Proceedings in Physics 162, 2015).
Publications 2014
197. A. Konar, Y. Shu, V.V. Lozovoy, J.E. Jackson, B.G. Levine, and M. Dantus, “Polyatomic Molecules under Intense Femtosecond Laser Irradiation,” J. Phys. Chem. A 118, 11433-11450 (2014).
196. A. Ryabtsev, S. Pouya, M. Koochesfahani, and M. Dantus, “Vortices in the wake of a femtosecond laser filament,” Optics Express 22, 26098-26102 (2014).
195. M. Dantus and K. Monro, “Ultrafast Temporal Shaping Is Coming of Age,” Biophotonics 21, 24-28 (2014).
194. S. Pouya, A. Van Rhijn, M. Dantus, M. Koochesfahani, “Multi-photon molecular tagging velocimetry with femtosecond excitation (FemtoMTV),” Experiments in Fluids 55 (2014).
193. I. Saytashev, and M. Dantus “Multimodal Imaging of highly pigmented tissues,” in Biomedical Optics 2014, OSA Technical Digest, paper BT3A.18 (2014).
192. G. Rasskazov, A. Ryabtsev, V.V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Laser-induced dispersion control,” Optics Letters 39 (2014).
191. H. Liu; W. Renninger; B. Nie; M. Dantus; F. Yu; J. Knight; A. Chong; F. Wise “High-power femtosecond fiber lasers based on self-similar pulse evolution,” Proc. SPIE 9136, Nonlinear Optics and Its Applications VIII; and Quantum Optics III, 91360W (2014).
190. B. Nie, I. Saytashev, and M. Dantus “Towards a compact fiber laser for multimodal imaging,” Proc. SPIE 8948, 89480A (2014).
189. I. Saytashev, B. Xu, M.T. Bremer and M. Dantus “Simultaneous selective two-photon microscopy using MHz rate pulse shaping and quadrature detection of the time-multiplexed signal,” Proc. SPIE 8948, 89482F (2014).
188. A. Konar, V.V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, “Electronic dephasing of molecules in solution measured by nonlinear spectral interferometry,” ScienceJet 4 (2015).
Supporting Material
187. A. Konar, V.V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, “Solvent Environment Revealed by Positively Chirped Pulses,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 924–928 (2014).
Supporting Material
186. D. Pestov, A. Ryabtsev, G. Rasskazov, V.V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, “Real-time single-shot measurement and correction of pulse phase and amplitude for ultrafast lasers,” Opt. Eng. 53, 051511 (2014).
185. M. Dantus and C.L. Kalcic, “Ultrafast Ionization and Fragmentation: From Small Molecules to Proteomic Analysis”, Ultrafast Phenomena in Molecular Sciences, R. Nalda and L. Banares, Eds. (Springer Series in Chemical Physics 107, 2014) p. 171-201
Publications 2013
184. S.Y. Nof, G.J. Cheng, A.M. Weiner, X.W. Chen, A. Bechar, M.G. Jones, C.B. Reed, A. Donmez, T.D. Weldon, P. Bermel, S.T.S. Bukkapatnam, C. Cheng, S.R.T. Kumara, A. Bement, R. Koubek, B. Bidanda, Y.C. Shin,, A. Capponi, S. Lee, M.R. Lehto, A.L. Liu, O. Nohadani, M. Dantus, P.W. Lorraine,, D.D. Nolte, R.W. Proctor, H.P. Sardesai, L. Shi, J.P. Wachs,X.-C. Zhang, “Laser and photonic systems integration: Emerging innovations and framework for research and education”, Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing 23, 483-516 (2013).
183. R.M. Bowman, M. Dantus, A.H. Zewail, Jennifer L. Herek, “Historical perspective on: Femtosecond transition-state spectroscopy
of iodine—From strongly bound to repulsive surface dynamics”, Chem Phys Lett 589, 42-45 (2013).
182. B. Nie, G.Parker, V.V.Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Energy scaling of Yb fiber oscillator producing clusters of femtosecond pulses”, Optical Engineering 53, 051505 (2013).
181. A. Ryabtsev, B. Nie and M. Dantus, “45 fs optical pulses from phase corrected broadband cascaded four wave mixing products ”, Laser Phys. Lett. 10, 125109 (2013).
180. M. T. Bremer and M. Dantus, “Standoff explosives trace detection and imaging by selective stimulated
Raman scattering”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 061119 (2013).
179. G. Rasskazov, A. Ryabtsev, D. Pestov, B. Nie, V.V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Anomalous laser-induced group velocity
dispersion in fused silica”, Optics Express 21, 17695-17700 (2013).
178. A. Konar, J.D. Shah, V.V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Optical response of fluorescent molecules studied by synthetic femtosecond laser pulses”, Proc. XVIII International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (2013).
177. D. Pestov, G. Rasskazov, A. Ryabtsev, I. Pastirk and M. Dantus, “Shaper-based approach to real-time correction of ultrashort pulse phase drifts and transient pulse dispersion measurements”, Proc. XVIII International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (2013).
Publications 2012
176. A. Konar, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Solvation Stokes-Shift Dynamics Studied by Chirped Femtosecond Laser Pulses”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3, 2458–2464 (2012).
Supporting Material
175. O. Yue, M. Bremer, D. Pestov, J. R. Gord, S. Roy, and M. Dantus, “Gas Phase Thermometry via Multi-Time-to-Frequency Mapping of Coherence Dephasing”, J. Phys. Chem. A 116, 8138–8141, (2012).
Supporting Material
174. B. Nie, I. Saytashev, A. Chong, H. Liu, S. Arkhipov, F. Wise and M. Dantus “Multimodal microscopy with sub-30 fs Yb fiber laser oscillator”, Biomedical Optics Express 3, 1750-1756 (2012).
173. I. Saytashev, S. Arkhipov, N. Winkler, K. Zuraski, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus “Pulse duration and energy dependence of photodamage and lethality induced by femtosecond near infrared laser pulses in D. melanogaster”, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 115, 42–50 (2012).
172. I. Saytashev, B. Nie, A. Chong, H. Liu, S. Arkhipov, F. Wise and M. Dantus “Multiphoton imaging with sub-30 fs Yb fiber laser”, Proc. SPIE 8226, 82261I (2012).
171. M.T. Bremer, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus “Nondestructive detection and imaging of trace chemicals with high-chemical specificity using single-beam coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering in a standoff configuration”, Proc. SPIE 8358, 835818 (2012).
170. Chong, A.; Liu, H.; Nie, B.; Gale, B.G.; Wabnitz, S.; Renninger, W.H.; Dantus, M.; Wise, F. W.;“Pulse generation without gain-bandwidth limitation in a laser with self-similar evolution”, Optics Express 20, 14213-14220 (2012).
169. A. Konar, J. Shah, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Optical Response of Fluorescent Molecules Studied by Synthetic Femtosecond Laser Pulses”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3, 1329–1335 (2012).
Supporting Material
168. C. Kalcic, G. Reid, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Mechanism Elucidation for Nonstochastic Femtosecond Laser-Induced Ionization/Dissociation: From Amino Acids to Peptides”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116, 2764-2774 (2012).
Publications 2011
167. Pestov, D.; Xu, B.; Li, H.; Dantus, M.; “Delivery and characterization of sub-8fs laser pulses at the imaging plane of a two-photon microscope”, Proc. SPIE 7903, 79033B (2011).
166. Nie, B.; Pestov, D.; Wise, F. W.; Dantus, M.; “An Ultrafast Fiber Laser with Self-Similar
Evolution in the Gain Segment”, Optics and Photonics News 22, 47 (2011).
165. P. Devi, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Measurement of Group Velocity Dispersion of Solvents Using 2-cycle Femtosecond Pulses: Experiment and Theory”, AIP Advances 1, 032166 (2011).
164. M. Bremer, P. Wrzesinski, N. Butcher, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Highly Selective Standoff Detection and Imaging of Trace Chemicals in a Complex Background using Single-Beam Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering”, Applied Physics Letters 99, 101109 (2011).
163. Nie, B.; Pestov, D.; Wise, F. W.; Dantus, M.; “Generation of 42-fs and 10-nJ pulses from a fiber laser with self-similar evolution in the gain segment”, Optics Express 19, 12074-12080 (2011).
162. P. Wrzesinski, D. Pestov, V. V. Lozovoy, J. R. Gord, M. Dantus, and S. Roy, “Group-velocity-dispersion measurements of atmospheric and combustion-related gases using an ultrabroadband-laser source ”, Optics Express 19, 5163-5170 (2011)
161. P. Wrzesinski, D. Pestov, V. V. Lozovoy, B. Xu, S. Roy, J. R. Gord, and M. Dantus, “Binary phase shaping for selective single-beam CARS spectroscopy and imaging of gas-phase molecules”, J. Raman Spec. 42, 393-398 (2011)
160. Christian W. Freudiger, Wei Min, Gary R. Holtom, Bingwei Xu, Marcos Dantus and X. Sunney Xie “Highly specific label-free molecular imaging with spectrally tailored excitation-stimulated Raman scattering (STE-SRS) microscopy”, Nature Photonics, 5, 103–109 (2011).
159. A. Palumbo, S. Smith, C. Kalcic, M. Dantus, P. Stemmer and G. Reid “Tandem Mass Spectrometry Strategies for Phosphorproteome Analysis”, Mass Spectrometry Reviews 30, 600-625 (2011).
158. X. Zhu, V. V. Lozovoy, J. D. Shah and M. Dantus, “Photodissociation dynamics of acetophenone and its derivatives with intense nonresonant femtosecond pulses,” J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 1305–1312 (2011).
Supporting Material
Publications 2010
157. P. Wrzesinski, D. Pestov, V. V. Lozovoy, S. Roy, J. R. Gord and M. Dantus “Single-beam CARS Imaging for Reacting Flow Diagnostics” Optics and Photonics News 21, 49 (2010).
156. S. Smith, C. Kalcic, K. Safran, P. Stemmer, M. Dantus, and G. Reid “Enhanced Characterization of Singly Protonated Phosphopeptide Ions by Femtosecond Laser-induced Ionization/Dissociation Tandem Mass Spectrometry (fs-LID-MS/MS)“, Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 12, 2031-2040 (2010).
155. X. Zhu, C. Kalcic, N. Winkler, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, “Applications of Femtochemistry to Proteomic and Metabolomic Analysis”, J. Phys. Chem. A, 114, 10380–10387 (2010).
154. D. Pestov, Y. Andegeko, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Photobleaching and photoenhancement of endogenous fluorescence observed in two-photon microscopy with broadband laser sources”, J. Opt. 12, 084006 (2010).
153. D. Pestov, Y. Andegeko, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Pulse shaping for reducing photodamage in multiphoton microscopy,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7569, 756926 (2010); doi:10.1117/12.852289.
152. Y. Coello, A. D. Jones, T. C. Gunaratne, and M. Dantus “Atmospheric pressure femtosecond laser imaging mass spectrometry” Anal. Chem. 82, 2753-2758 (2010).
151. M. Dantus “Removing the applications bottleneck for ultrafast lasers”, Laser+Photonics 01-2010, 18-21 (2010).
150. D. Pestov, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus “Single-beam shaper-based pulse characterization and compression using MIIPS sonogram”, Opt. Letters 35, 1422-1424 (2010).
149. Gunn, J. M.; High, S. H.; Lozovoy, V. V.; Dantus, M., “Measurement and Control of Ultrashort Optical Pulse Propagation in Metal Nanoparticle-Covered Dielectric Surfaces.” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, (29), 12375-12381 (2010).
Supporting Material
148. Xu, B.; Coello, Y.; Lozovoy, V. V.; Dantus, M., “Two-photon fluorescence excitation spectroscopy by
pulse shaping ultrabroad-bandwidth femtosecond laser pulses”, Applied Optics, 49, (32), 6348-6353 (2010).
147. Roy, S; Wrzesinski, P; Pestov, D; Dantus, M; Gord “Single-Beam Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) Spectroscopy of Gas-Phase CO2 via Phase and Polarization Shaping of a Broadband Continuum,”J. Raman Spec., 41, 1194–1199 (2010).
Publications 2009
146. D. Pestov, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus “Generation of Complex Optical Pulse
Sequences by Multiple Comb Shaping”, Optics and Photonics News 20, 42-43 (2009).
145. S. Roy, P. Wrzesinski, D. Pestov, T. Gunaratne, M. Dantus, J. R. Gord “Single-beam coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectroscopy of N2 using a shaped 7-fs laser pulse” Applied Physics Letters, L09-03549R1 (2009).
144. T. C. Gunaratne, X. Zhu, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus “Influence of the temporal shape of femtosecond pulses on silicon micromachining” J. Appl. Phys. 106, 123101 (2009).
143. Y. Coello, T. C. Gunaratne, M. Dantus “Atmospheric pressure femtosecond laser imaging mass spectrometry” Proceedings from the SPIE 7182, 71821W-71821W-5 (2009).
142. C. L. Kalcic, T. C. Gunaratne, G. E. Reid, A. D. Jones, M. Dantus “Femtosecond laser scalpel technology for proteomic mass spectrometry” Proceedings from the SPIE 7203, 72030C-72030C-5 (2009).
141. V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus “When shorter is better” Proceedings of the SPIE 7203, 72030Y-72030Y-7 (2009)
140. Y. Andegeko, D. Pestov, V. V. Lozovoy, M. Dantus “Ultrafast multiphoton microscopy with high-order spectral phase distortion compensation,” Proceedings of the SPIE 7183,71830W-71830W-6 (2009).
139. D. Pestov, V. V. Lozovoy, and M Dantus “Multiple Independent Comb Shaping (MICS): Phase-only generation of optical pulse sequences,” Optics Express, 17, Issue 16, pp. 14351-14361
138. C. L. Kalcic, T. C. Gunaratne, A. D. Jones, M. Dantus, and G. E. Reid “Femtosecond laser-induced ionization/dissociation of protonated peptides,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 940-942 (2009)
Supporting Material
137. X. Zhu, T. C. Gunaratne, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus “Comment on closing the loop on bond selective chemistry using tailored strong field laser pulses,” J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 5264-5266 (2009).
Supporting Material
136. M. Dantus, D. Pestov, and Y. Andegeko “Better results from ultrafast nonlinear microscopy,” BioOptics World 2 23-24 (2009)
135. H. Li, D. A. Harris, B. Xu, P. J. Wrzesinski, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Standoff and arms-length detection of chemicals with single-beam coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering," Appl. Opt. 48, B17-B22 (2009)
134. P. Xi, Y. Andegeko, D. Pestov, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Two-photon imaging using adaptive phase compensated ultrashort laser pulses," J. Biomed. Opt., 14, 014002 (2009).
Publications 2008
133. H. Li, D. A. Harris, B. Xu, P. J. Wrzesinski, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Single-Beam Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering for Standoff Detection," Optics & Photonics News 19, 46-46 (2008)
132. Bingwei Xu, Yves Coello, Giovana T. Nogueira, Flavio C. Cruz, and Marcos Dantus "Asynchronous encrypted information transmission with sub-6 fs laser system at 2.12 GHz repetition rate" Optics Express, 16, Issue 19, pp. 15109-15114
131. Giovana T. Nogueira, Bingwei Xu, Yves Coello, Marcos Dantus, and Flavio C. Cruz " Broadband 2.12 GHz Ti:sapphire laser compressed to 5.9 femtoseconds using MIIPS" Optics Express, 16, Issue 14, pp. 10033-10038
130. Jess M. Gunn, Scott H. High, and Marcos Dantus. "Measurement of Dispersion Properties of Silver Nanowires Used as Plasmon Waveguides", Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, Stresa, Italy (2008).
129. Vadim V. Lozovoy, Yair Andegeko, Xin Zhu, Marcos Dantus, “Applications of ultrashort shaped pulses in microscopy and for controlling chemical reactions”, Chemical Physics, 350, 118-124 (2008).
128. Marcos Dantus, Haowen Li, D. Ahmasi Harris, Bingwei Xu, Paul J. Wrzesinski, and Vadim V. Lozovoy, “Detection of chemicals at a standoff >10 m distance based on single-beam coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering,” Proc. SPIE 6954, 69540P (2008).
127. Marcos Dantus, Vadim V. Lozovoy, Xin Zhu, and Tissa Gunaratne, “Multidimensional molecular identification by laser control mass spectrometry,” Proc. SPIE 6954, 69540D (2008).
126. Peng Xi, Lindsay R. Weisel, Yair Andegeko, Vadim V. Lovozoy, and Marcos Dantus, “Two-photon laser scanning microscopy with ultrabroad bandwidth 110 nm FWHM femtosecond pulses,” Proc. SPIE 6860, 68601U (2008).
125. Lindsay R. Weisel, Peng Xi, Yair Andegeko, Vadim V. Lovozoy, and Marcos Dantus, “Greater signal and contrast in two-photon microscopy with ultrashort pulses,” Proc. SPIE 6860, 68601O (2008).
124. Marcos Dantus, Dmitry Pestov and Yair Andegeko, “Nonlinear optical imaging with sub-10 fs pulses,” Book Chapter on Nonlinear Optical Imaging (2008).
123. M. Dantus and Y. Andegeko, “Realization of biomedical imaging with ultrashort laser pulses made possible by automated elimination of chromatic dispersion,” NASA Tech Briefs 32 (2008).
122. Vadim V. Lozovoy, Bingwei Xu, Yves Coello, and Marcos Dantus, "Direct measurement of spectral phase for ultrashort laser pulses,” Optics Express 16, 592-597 (2008).
121. Y. Coello, V. V. Lozovoy, T. C. Gunaratne, B. Xu, I. Borukhovich, C. -h. Tseng, T. Weinacht, and M. Dantus, "Interference without an interferometer: a different approach to measuring, compressing, and shaping ultrashort laser pulses," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 25, A140-A150 (2008)
120. I. Pastirk, M. Dantus, “Multidimensional identification of chemical warfare agents using shaped femtosecond pulses,” International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, 18, 63-70 (2008).
119. H. Li, D. A. Harris, B. Xu, P. J. Wrzesinski, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Coherent mode-selective Raman excitation towards standoff detection," Opt. Express 16, 5499-5504 (2008)
118. P. Xi, Y. Andegeko, L. R. Weisel, V. V. Lozovoy, M. Dantus, “Greater Signal and Less Photobleaching in Two-Photon Microscopy with Ultrabroad Bandwidth Femtosecond Pulses,” Opt. Commun. 281, 1841-1849 (2008)
117. V. V. Lozovoy, X. Zhu, T. C. Gunaratne, D. A. Harris, J. C. Shane, M. Dantus, “Control of molecular fragmentation using shaped femtosecond pulses,” Journal of Physical Chemistry A.112,3789-3812 (2008)
Publications 2007
116. C. Hartmann-Thompson, D. L. Keeley, K. M. Pollock, P. R. Dvornic, S. E. Keinath, M. Dantus, T.Gunaratne, and D. J. LeCaptain, "One-and Two-photon Fluorescent Polyhedral Oligosilsesquioxane (POSS) Nanosensor Arrays for the Remote Detection of Analytes in Clouds, in Solution and on Surfaces," Chem. Mater., 20, 2829-2838, 2008, 10.1021/cm703641s (2007).
115. Y. Coello, B. Xu, T. L. Miller, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Group-velocity dispersion measurements of water, seawater, and ocular components using multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan (MIIPS)" Appl. Opt. 46, 8394 (2007).
114. J. M. Dela Cruz, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, “Isomeric identification by laser control mass spectrometry,” Journal of Mass Spectrometry 42 178-186 (2007).
113. M. Dantus, V. V. Lozovoy, and I. Pastirk, "MIIPS characterizes and corrects femtosecond pulses," Laser Focus World 43, 101-104 Feature Article, (2007)
112. D. A. Harris, J. C. Shane, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Automated phase characterization and adaptive pulse compression using Multiphoton Intrapulse Interference Phase Scan in air,” Optics Express, 15, 1932-1938 (2007).
111. T. C. Gunaratne, X. Zhu, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus. “Symmetry of nonlinear optical response to time inversion of shaped femtosecond pulses as a clock of ultrafast dynamics,” Chem. Phys.338, 259-267 (2007). Special Issue on Molecular Wave Packet Dynamics.
110. I. Pastirk, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus “Femtosecond pulse shaping adds a new dimension to mass spectrometry,” Applied Optics 46, 4041-4045 (2007).
109. X. Zhu, T. C. Gunaratne, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, "In-situ femtosecond laser pulse characterization and compression during micromachining," Opt. Express 15, 16061 (2007)
108. L. Schelhas, J. C. Shane, M. Dantus, "Selective two-photon imaging of a biological sample," Ultrafast Phenomena XV, P. Corkum, D. Jonas, D. Miller, A. M. Weiner Eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2007).
107. J. M. Gunn, M. Ewald, M. Dantus, "Properties of two-photon induced emission from dendritic silver nanoparticles," Ultrafast Phenomena XV, P. Corkum, D. Jonas, D. Miller, A. M. Weiner Eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2007)
106. V. V. Lozovoy, M. J. Kangas, T. C. Gunaratne, J. C. Shane, M. Dantus, "Control of molecular fragmentation using binary phase shaped femtosecond laser pulses," Ultrafast Phenomena XV, P. Corkum, D. Jonas, D. Miller, A. M. Weiner Eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2007)
105. B. Xu, Y. Coello, D. A. Harris, V. V. Lozovoy, M. Dantus, "Amplitude and phase shaping of ultra-broad-bandwidth femtosecond laser pulses," Ultrafast Phenomena XV, P. Corkum, D. Jonas, D. Miller, A. M. Weiner Eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2007).
Publications 2006
104. B. W. Xu, Y. Coello, V. V. Lozovoy, D. A. Harris, and M. Dantus, "Pulse shaping of octave spanning femtosecond laser pulses," Optics Express 14, 10939-10944 (2006).
103. M. Dantus, D.M. Dela Cruz "Stereoisomer recognition by MS with shaped laser pulses," ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 231, Meeting Abstract: 1-ANYL (2006).
102. M. Ewald, J. M. Gunn, M. Dantus, “Two-photon induced emission from silver nanoparticle aggregates on thin films and in solution,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 12, 632-633, (2006).
101. J. M. Gunn, M. Ewald, M. Dantus, "Remote two-photon emission from dendritic silver nanoclusters," Microscopy and Microanalysis 12, 630-631 (2006).
100. J. M. Gunn, M. Ewald, and M. Dantus, "Polarization and phase control of remote surface-plasmon-mediated two-photon-induced emission and waveguiding," Nano Letters 6, 2804-2809 (2006).
99. V. V. Lozovoy, T. Gunaratne, J. C. Shane, M. Dantus, “Control of chemical reactions using binary phase shaped femtosecond laser pulses,” ChemPhysChem, 7, 2471-2473 (2006).
98. J. C. Shane, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Search space mapping: Getting a picture of coherent laser control," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110, 11388-11391 (2006).
97. L. Schelhas, J. C. Shane, M. Dantus, “Advantages of ultrashort phase-shaped pulses for selective two-photon activation and biomedical imaging,” Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 2, 177-181 (2006).
96. I. Pastirk, B. Resan, A. Fry, J. MacKay, and M. Dantus, "No loss spectral phase correction and arbitrary phase shaping
of regeneratively amplified femtosecond pulses using MIIPS," Optics Express 14, 9537-9543 (2006).
95. I. Pastirk, X. Zhu, R. M. Martin, and M. Dantus, "Remote characterization and dispersion compensation of amplified shaped femtosecond pulses using MIIPS," Optics Express 14, 8885-8889 (2006).
94. J.M. Dela Cruz, M. Kangas, I. Pastirk, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, "Systematic chemical recognition using shaped laser pulses," Journal of Modern Optics 53, 2533 (2006).
93. V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, Laser control of Physicochemical Processes; Experiments and Applications, Annu. Rep. Prog. Chem., Sect. C: Phys. Chem., 102, 227-258, (2006).
92. J. M. Dela Cruz, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Coherent control improves biomedical imaging with ultrashort shaped pulses," Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry 180, 307-313 (2006).
91. M. Dantus V. V. Lozovoy, I. Pastirk, J.M. Dela Cruz, "Converting Concepts and Dreams of Coherent Control into Applications." Femtochemistry VII, W. Castelman Ed. Elsevier 434-440 (2006).
90. J. M.Gunn, B. Xu, J. M. Dela Cruz, V. V. Lozovoy, M. Dantus, "Quantitative phase characterization and compensation by multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan (MIIPS)." Femtochemistry VII, W. Castelman Ed. Elsevier, 526-529 (2006).
89. J. M.Gunn, B. Xu, J. M. Dela Cruz, V. V. Lozovoy, M. Dantus, "The MIIPS method for simultaneous phase measurement and compensation of femtosecond laser pulses and its role in two-photon microscopy and imaging." Proc. SPIE 6108, 61-68, Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers VI; Joseph Neev, Stefan Nolte, Alexander Heisterkamp, Christopher B. Schaffer; Eds. (2006).
88.V. V. Lozovoy, B. Xu, J. C. Shane, and M. Dantus, "Selective nonlinear optical excitation with pulses shaped by pseudorandom Galois fields," Physical Review A 74, 041805(R) (2006).
87. T. Gunaratne, M. Kangas, S. Singh, A. Gross, and M. Dantus, "Influence of bandwidth and phase shaping on laser induced breakdown spectroscopy with ultrashort laser pulses," Chemical Physics Letters 423, 197-201 (2006).
86. B. Xu, J. M. Gunn, J. M. Dela Cruz, V. V. Lozovoy, M. Dantus, “Quantitative investigation of the MIIPS method for phase measurement and compensation of femtosecond laser pulses,” J. Optical Society B 23, 750-759 (2006).
Publications 2005
85. V. V. Lozovoy, snd M. Dantus, “Systamtic Control of Nonlinear Optical Processes Using Optimally Shaped Femtosecond Pulses,” ChemPhysChem 6, 1970-2000 (2005).
84. V. V. Lozovoy, J. C. Shane, B. W. Xu, and M. Dantus, "Spectral phase optimization of femtosecond laser pulses for narrow-band, low-background nonlinear spectroscopy," Optics Express 13, 10882-10887 (2005).
83. J. M. Dela Cruz, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Quantitative mass spectrometric identification of isomers applying coherent laser control,” J. Phys. Chem. A 109, 8447-8450 (2005).
82. V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Coherent control in femtochemistry,” ChemPhysChem. 6, 1970-2000 (2005).
81. I. Pastirk, M. Kangas, and M. Dantus, "Multidimensional analytical method based on binary phase shaping of femtosecond pulses." J. Phys. Chem. A 109, 2413-2416
Publications 2004
80. M. Dantus and A. Zewail, "Introduction: Femtochemistry," Chemical Reviews 104, 1717-1718 (2004).
79. J. M. Dela Cruz, I. Pastirk, M. Comstock, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Use of coherent control methods through scattering biological tissue to achieve functional imaging," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101, 16996-17001 (2004).
78. J. M. Dela Cruz, I. Pastirk, M. Comstock, and M. Dantus, "Coherent control through scattering tissue, Multiphoton Intrapulse Interference 8." Optics Express 12, 4144 (2004).
77. M. Comstock, V. V. Lozovoy, I. Pastirk, and M. Dantus, "Multiphoton intrapulse interference 6; binary phase shaping." Optics Express 12, 1061-1066 (2004).
76. M. Dantus and V. V. Lozovoy, "Experimental Coherent Laser Control of Physicochemical Processes." Chem. Reviews 104, 1813-1860 (2004). Special Issue on Femtochemistry, A. H. Zewail and M. Dantus guest editors.
75. V. V. Lozovoy, M. Comstock, I. Pastirk, and M. Dantus, “Femtosecond Photon Echo Measurements of Electronic Coherence Relaxation of I2 in the presence of He, Ar, N2, O2, C3H8,” Ultrafast Molecular Events in Chemistry and Biology, M. M. Martin and J.T. Hynes Eds. Elsevier, 33 (2004).
74. J. Dela Cruz, I. Pastirk, V. V. Lozovoy, K.A. Walowicz, and M. Dantus, “Control of nonlinear optical excitation with multiphoton intrapulse interference,” Ultrafast Molecular Events in Chemistry and Biology, M. M. Martin and J.T. Hynes Eds. Elsevier, 95 (2004).
73. V. V. Lozovoy, I. Pastirk, and M. Dantus, "Multiphoton intrapulse interference 4; Characterization and compensation of the spectral phase of ultrashort laser
pulses." Optics Letters 29, 775-777 (2004).
72. M. Dantus and E. J. Brown, “Femtosecond chemical dynamics: gas-phase.” Encyclopedia of Modern Optics , Elsevier, Oxford (2004).
Publications 2003
71. M. Dantus, V. V. Lozovoy, and I. Pastirk, "Measurement and Repair: The femtosecond Wheatstone Bridge." OE Magazine, 9 (2003).
70. M. Dantus and P. Gross, “Ultrafast Spectroscopy.” Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, American Institute of Physics , Wiley-VCH, Berlin (2003).
69. I. Pastirk, J. M. Dela Cruz, K. A. Walowicz, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Selective two-photon microscopy with shaped femtosecond pulses ." Optics Express 11, 1695-1701 (2003).
68. J. M. Dela Cruz, I. Pastirk, V. V. Lozovoy, K. A. Walowicz, and M. Dantus, "Multiphoton Intrapulse Interference 3: probing microscopic chemical environments." J. Phys. Chem. A 108, 53 – 58 (2003). Our results are featured in the cover.
67. M. Comstock, V. Senekerimyan, and M. Dantus, "Ultrafast Laser Induced Molecular Alignment and Deformation: Experimental evidence from neutral molecules and from fragment ions." J. Phys. Chem. A 107, 8271 (2003). Albrecht Special Issue
66. M. Comstock, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Rotational Wavepacket Revivals for Phase Modulation of Ultrafast Pulses." Chem. Phys. Letters 372, 739-744 (2003).
65. V. V. Lozovoy, I. Pastirk, K. A. Walowicz, and M. Dantus, “Multiphoton intrapulse interference II. Control of two- and three-photon laser induced fluorescence with shaped pulses.” J. Chem. Phys. 118, 3187-3196 (2003).
64. V. V. Lozovoy, I. Pastirk, M. Comstock, K. A. Walowicz, and M. Dantus, “Femtosecond four-wave mixing for molecule based computation,” Ultrafast Phenomena XIII , Heidelberg, Berlin, 97 (2003).
63. M. Comstock, V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Femtosecond photon echo measurements of electronic coherence relaxation between the X(1Σg+) and B(3Π0u+) states of I2 in the presence of He, Ar, N2, O2, C3H8.” J. Chem. Phys. 119, 6546-6553 (2003).
Publications 2002
62. K. A. Walowicz, I. Pastirk, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, “Multiphoton intrapulse interference 1; Control of multiphoton processes in condensed phases.” J. Phys. Chem. A 106, 9369-9373, (2002). Our results are featured on the cover.
61. V. V. Lozovoy and M. Dantus, “Photon echo pulse sequences with femtosecond shaped laser pulses as a vehicle for molecule-based quantum computation.” Chem. Phys. Letters 351, 213-221 (2002).
60. I. Grimberg, V. V. Lozovoy, M. Dantus and S. Mukamel, “Femtosecond three-pulse spectroscopies in the gas phase: density matrix representation.” J. Phys. Chem. A 106, 697-718 (2002). Our results are featured on the cover.
59. V. V. Lozovoy, M. Comstock and M. Dantus, “Four-Wave Mixing and Coherent Control.” in Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules , A.D. Bandrauk, Y. Fujimura and R.J. Gordon, ACS Publishing, 61 (2002).
Publications 2001
58. I. Pastirk, M. Comstock, and M. Dantus, “Femtosecond ground state dynamics of N2O4 and NO2 investigated by degenerate four-wave mixing.” Chem. Phys. Letters 349, 71-78 (2001).
57. E. J. Brown, I. Pastirk and M. Dantus, “Ultrafast Rotational Anisotropy Measurements: Nonlinear Saturation Effects." J. Phys. Chem. A 105,
8004-8010 (2001).
56. M. Dantus, “Coherent nonlinear spectroscopy: From femtosecond dynamics to control,” Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 52, 639 (2001).
55. M. Dantus, "Laser control of chemical reactions," Chemical & Engineering News 79, 191-191 (2001).
54. V. Lozovoy, Igor Pastirk, Matthew G. Comstock, and M. Dantus, “Cascaded Free-Induction Decay Four-Wave-Mixing.” Chem. Phys. 266, 205-212 (2001). Special issue on multidimensional spectroscopies.
53. I. Pastirk, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Femtosecond photon echo and virtual echo measurements of the vibronic and vibrational coherence relaxation times of iodine vapor," Chemical Physics Letters 333, 76-82 (2001).
52. I. Pastirk, M. Comstock, K. A. Walowicz, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "2D (time-frequency) femtosecond four-wave mixing at 10^14 W/cm2: Molecular and electronic response." Symposium on Optical Pulse and Beam Propagation III , Photonics West (2001).
51. V. V. Lozovoy, B. I. Grimberg, I. Pastirk, and M. Dantus, "The role of microscopic and macroscopic coherence in laser control," Chemical Physics 267, 99-114 (2001).
Publications 2000
50. V. V. Lozovoy, I. Pastirk, E. J. Brown, B. I. Grimberg, and M. Dantus, "The role of pulse sequences in controlling ultrafast intramolecular dynamics with four-wave mixing," International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 19, 531-552 (2000).
49. M. Dantus, “Ultrafast probing and control of molecular dynamics: Beyond the pump-probe method.” in Femtochemistry , De Schryver, De Feyter, Schweitzer Eds. Wiley-VCH, 169 (2000).
48. M. Comstock, I. Pastirk, and M. Dantus, “Ultrafast transient-grating study of molecules after high intensity excitation.” in Ultrafast Phenomena XII , edited by T. Elsaesser, S. Mukamel, M. M. Murnane, and N. F. Scherer, 317-319 (2000).
47. V. V. Lozovoy, E. J. Brown, I. Pastirk, B. I. Grimberg and M. Dantus, “What role can four-wave mixing techniques play in coherent control?” Advances in Multiphoton Processes and Spectroscopy 14; and Quantum control of molecular reaction dynamics , edited by R. J. Gordon and Y. Fujimura, World Scientific, Singapore, 62-79 (2000).
46. M. Dantus, “The scientific contributions of A. H. Zewail, Nobel Laureate” European Association Newsletter 69, 7 (2000).
45. U. Marvet, E.J. Brown, and M. Dantus, “Femtosecond concerted elimination of halogen molecules from halogenated alkanes.” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2, 885-891 (2000). Roger Grice special issue.
44. V. V. Lozovoy, B. I. Grimberg, E. J. Brown, I. Pastirk, and M. Dantus, "Femtosecond spectrally dispersed three-pulse four-wave mixing: the role of sequence and chirp in controlling intramolecular dynamics," Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 31, 41-49 (2000).
Publications 1990-1999
43. I. Pastirk, V. V. Lozovoy, B. I. Grimberg, E. J. Brown, and M. Dantus, "Control and characterization of intramolecular dynamics with chirped femtosecond three-pulse four-wave mixing," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103, 10226-10236 (1999).
42. E. J. Brown, I. Pastirk, B. I. Grimberg, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Population and coherence control by three-pulse four-wave mixing," Journal of Chemical Physics 111, 3779-3782 (1999).
41. I. Pastirk, E. J. Brown, B. I. Grimberg, V. V. Lozovoy, and M. Dantus, "Sequences for controlling laser excitation with femtosecond three-pulse four-wave mixing," Faraday Discussions 401-424 (1999). General Discussions 77-106 and 455-491 (1999).
40. P. Backhaus, B. Schmidt, and M. Dantus, "Control of photoassociation yield: a quantum-dynamical study of the mercury system to explore the role of pulse duration from nanoseconds to femtoseconds," Chemical Physics Letters 306, 18-24 (1999).
39. E. J. Brown, Q. G. Zhang, and M. Dantus, "Femtosecond transient-grating techniques: Population and coherence dynamics involving ground and excited states," Journal of Chemical Physics 110, 5772-5788 (1999).
38. U. Marvet, Q. G. Zhang, E. J. Brown, and M. Dantus, "Femtosecond dynamics of photoinduced molecular detachment from halogenated alkanes. I. Transition state dynamics and product channel coherence," Journal of Chemical Physics 109, 4415-4427 (1998).
37. E. J. Brown, I. Pastirk, and M. Dantus, "Ultrafast rotational anisotropy measurements: unidirectional detection," Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103, 2912-2916 (1999).
36. M. Dantus, “Femtosecond laser pulses: Principles and experiments." Edited by C. Rulliere, Springer-Verlag, New York (1998); and J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 8677
35. K. S. Choi, R. Patschke, S. J. L. Billinge, M. J. Waner, M. Dantus, and M. G. Kanatzidis, "Charge density wave caused by reducing ThSe3 by one electron. Superstructure and short-range order in ATh(2)Se(6) (A = K, Rb) studied by X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction, and diffuse scattering," Journal of the American Chemical Society 120, 10706-10714 (1998).
34. Q. G. Zhang, U. Marvet, and M. Dantus, "Femtosecond dynamics of photoinduced molecular detachment from halogenated alkanes. II. Asynchronous concerted elimination of I-2 from CH2I2," Journal of Chemical Physics 109, 4428-4442 (1998).
33. U. Marvet, Q. Zhang, E. J. Brown and M. Dantus, “Femtosecond dynamics of photoinduced molecular detachment from halogenated alkanes I. Transition state dynamics and product channel coherence.” J. Chem. Phys. 109, 4415 (1998).
32. I. Pastirk, E. J. Brown, Q. G. Zhang, and M. Dantus, "Quantum control of the yield of a chemical reaction," Journal of Chemical Physics 108, 4375-4378 (1998).
31. U. Marvet, Q. Zhang and M. Dantus, “Femtochemistry Dynamics of Unimolecular and Unrestricted Bimolecular Reactions.” J. Phys. Chem. A 102, 4111-4117 (1998). Special edition Femtochemistry III.
30. M. J. Waner, M. Gilchrist, M. Schindler, and M. Dantus, "Imaging the molecular dimensions and oligomerization of proteins at liquid/solid interfaces," Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102, 1649-1657 (1998).
29. Q. Q. Zhang, U. Marvet, and M. Dantus, "Concerted elimination dynamics from highly excited states," Faraday Discussions, 63-80 (1997).
28. P. Gross and M. Dantus, "Femtosecond photoassociation: Coherence and implications for control in bimolecular reactions," Journal of Chemical Physics 106, 8013-8021 (1997).
27. M. Dantus and P. Gross, “Ultrafast Spectroscopy.” in Encyclopedia of Applied Physics 22, 431 (1998).
26. M. J. Waner, M. Schindler and M. Dantus, “Investigation of Protein Structure at the Solid/Liquid Interface with Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).” Microsc. Microanal. 3, 1257 (1997).
25. U. Marvet and M. Dantus, "Femtosecond observation of a concerted chemical reaction," Chemical Physics Letters 256, 57-62 (1996).
24. M. Dantus, U. Marvet, Q. Zhang, and E. J. Snyder, "Femtosecond dynamics of concerted elimination processes," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 213, 372-PHYS (1997).
23.Marvet and M. Dantus, “Femtosecond photoassociation spectroscopy: Coherent bond formation.” in Femtochemistry: The Lausanne Conference , ed. M. Chergui, World Scientific, 138-139 (1996).
22. U. Marvet and M. Dantus, "Femtosecond Photoassociation Spectroscopy - Coherent Bond Formation," Chemical Physics Letters 245, 393-399 (1995).
21. M. Dantus, S. B. Kim, J. C. Williamson, and A. H. Zewail, "Ultrafast Electron-Diffraction .5. Experimental Time Resolution and Applications," Journal of Physical Chemistry 98, 2782-2796 (1994).
20. M. H. M. Janssen, M. Dantus, H. Guo, and A. H. Zewail, "Femtosecond Reaction Dynamics of Rydberg States - Methyl-Iodide," Chemical Physics Letters 214, 281-289 (1993).
19. J. C. Williamson, M. Dantus, S. B. Kim, and A. H. Zewail, "Ultrafast Diffraction and Molecular-Structure," Chemical Physics Letters 196, 529-534 (1992).
18. A. H. Zewail, M. Dantus, R. M. Bowman and A. Mokhtari, “Femtochemistry: recent advances and extension to high pressures.” J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. 62, pg. 301-319 (1992).
17. M. Dantus, M. H. M. Janssen, and A. H. Zewail, "Femtosecond Probing of Molecular-Dynamics by Mass-Spectrometry in a Molecular-Beam," Chemical Physics Letters 181, 281-287 (1991).
16. M. Dantus and G. Roberts, “Femtosecond Transition-State Spectroscopy and Chemical Reaction Dynamics.” Comments At. Mol. Phys. 26, 131 (1991).
15. R. M. Bowman, M. Dantus, and A. H. Zewail, “Femtosecond Multiphoton Probing of Higher-Energy Potentials.” Chem. Phys. Lett. 174, 546 (1990).
14. J. J. Gerdy, M. Dantus, R. M. Bowman, and A. H. Zewail, "Femtosecond Selective Control of Wave Packet Population," Chemical Physics Letters 171, 1-4 (1990).
13. M. Dantus, R. M. Bowman, and A. H. Zewail, "Femtosecond Laser Observations of Molecular Vibration and Rotation," Nature 343, 737-739 (1990).
12. M. Gruebele, G. Roberts, M. Dantus, R. M. Bowman, and A. H. Zewail, “Femtosecond temporal spectroscopy and direct inversion to the potential: Application to iodine.” Chem. Phys. Lett. 166, 459 (1990).
Publications 1985-1989
11. R. M. Bowman, M. Dantus, and A. H. Zewail, "Femtosecond Transition-State Spectroscopy of Iodine - from Strongly Bound to Repulsive Surface Dynamics," Chemical Physics Letters 161, 297-302 (1989).
10. M. Dantus, R. M. Bowman, M. Gruebele, and A. H. Zewail, "Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions .5. The Reaction of Ihgi," Journal of Chemical Physics 91, 7437-7450 (1989).
9. M. Dantus, R. M. Bowman, J. S. Baskin, and A. H. Zewail, "Femtosecond Real-Time Alignment in Chemical-Reactions," Chemical Physics Letters 159, 406-412 (1989).
8. R. M. Bowman, M. Dantus, and A. H. Zewail, "Femtochemistry of the Reaction - Ihgi-Star- Ihg=I -Star- Hgi+I," Chemical Physics Letters 156, 131-137 (1989)
7. M. Dantus, M. J. Rosker, and A. H. Zewail, "Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions .2. The Dissociation Reaction of ICN," Journal of Chemical Physics 89, 6128-6140 (1988).
6. M. J. Rosker, M. Dantus, and A. H. Zewail, "Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions .1. The Technique," Journal of Chemical Physics 89, 6113-6127 (1988).
5. M. J. Rosker, M. Dantus, and A. H. Zewail, "Femtosecond Clocking of the Chemical-Bond," Science 241, 1200-1202 (1988).
4. M. Dantus, M. J. Rosker, and A. H. Zewail, "Real-Time Femtosecond Probing of Transition-States in Chemical-Reactions," Journal of Chemical Physics 87, 2395-2397 (1987).
3. L. W. Peng, M. Dantus, A. H. Zewail, K. Kemnitz, J. M. Hicks, and K. B. Eisenthal, "Stepwise Solvation of the Intramolecular-Charge-Transfer Molecule P-(Dimethylamino)Benzonitrile," Journal of Physical Chemistry 91, 6162-6167 (1987).
2. J. S. Baskin, M. Dantus, and A. H. Zewail, "Real-Time Measurements of IVR Versus Inferences from Spectral Broadening Data - the Alkylanilines Ring+Tail System," Chemical Physics Letters 130, 473-481 (1986).
1. I. Y. Chan and M. Dantus, "Spectroscopic Study of Jet-Cooled Fluoranthene," Journal of Chemical Physics 82, 4771-4776 (1985).