CEM 988 :  Winter/2oo9 MSU . green . rectangle

Radiation Detection and Measurement

Lectures: Tu. & Th. 9:00 -- 10:30   -- NSCL Seminar, Room 167 --

First Lecture: Tuesday, January 12th, 2oo9

  • Course Overview
  • Lecture Schedule&Syllabus
  • Example Problems from Textbook 
  • Homework Problems (Winter, 2oo9)
    Problem Set 1 Problem Set 2 Problem Set 3

    Problem Set 4

    Problem Set 5
    Answers (pdf) Answers (pdf) Answers (pdf) Answers (pdf) Answers (pdf)
  • Past Exams :
  • Fall, 2oo2 Winter, 2oo6
    Exam 1 and Answers (pdf) Exam 1 and Answers (pdf)
    Exam 2 and Answers (pdf) Exam 2 and Answers  (pdf)
  • Present Exams :
  • Winter, 2oo9
    Practice 1 and Answers (pdf)
    Exam 1 and Answers (pdf)
    Practice 2 and Answers (pdf)
    Exam 2 and Answers (pdf)

    yikesPractice problems will be assigned on the material in the textbook, several problem sets will be assigned during the course. There will be TWO in-class examinations as listed in the Lecture Schedule


    This course is offered by the Michigan State University   Dept. of Chemistry

    Last updated 10-May-2009 10:01 AM by morrissey "AT" nscl.msu.edu ... aka ... djm