Dr. Richard J. Staples
Manager of the Center for Crystallographic Research
Chemistry manager 418A


Senior Academic Specialist of X-ray Crystallography
Michigan State University
578 S. Shaw Lane
East Lansing, MI 48824 (517) 353-1074
E-mail: staples@chemistry.msu.edu

Ph.D., Chemistry; December 1989
The University of Toledo
Bachelor of Science, 5/11/85
Central Michigan University

Current Position

Senior Academic Specialist of X-ray Crystallography (5-1-2014) to present)
(Academic Specialist of X-ray Crystallography (7-2-07 to 5-1-2014)

  • Maintain; operate all diffraction and computer equipment.
  • Solve chemical questions using all tools available
  • Equipment includes two Rigaku S-Syngergy instruments and Bruker Apex II
  • Bruker DaVanci Powder diffraction instrumentation
  • Built and maintain web page
  • Designed new x-ray crystallographic facility
  • Teach X-crystallography, theory and practice (Chem 913).
  • Assist in Organic and Inorganic Chemical Evaluation

Previous Positions

Founder and President of Crystallographic Resources, Inc (April 2007-Jan 2024)

  • Solve and assist in solving small molecular structures.

Harvard University (7-14-96 to 6-22-07)

  • Lecturer and Manager of X-ray Crystallography

University Crystallographer, U of Idaho (5-22-95 to 7-14-96)

  • Manager of Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Laboratory

Senior Research Associate Texas A&M (1-90 to 5-22-95)

  • Distinguished Professor John P. Fackler, Jr., (former Dean)
  • Supervised all research activities in Dr. J. P. Fackler’s group.

Scholarly Activities

CNS Distinguished Academic Staff Award, MSU 2014

Invited Speaker, American Chemical Society, Spring Meeting 2019, Instrument Repair to Data Collection to Colleague. March 2019, INOR-0860

Invited Speaker , Department of Chemistry, Grand Valley State University, Applications of X-ray Crystallographic Techniques. A tool to Help Answer Chemical Questions. Feb 2017.

Invited Speaker, American Crystallographic Annual Meeting, Crystallography for Undergraduate Research Universities through Collaborations. July 2016

Invited Speaker , Department of Chemistry, MSU, Applications of X-ray Crystallographic Techniques. A tool to Help Answer Chemical Questions.

Webinar Speaker, Crystal Growth and Mounting, 2010, Bruker AXS, http://www.bruker-webinars.com

President of Small Molecules, Special Interest Group, (SIG) American Crystallographic Association (2010)

Invited Instructor for Summer School, X-ray Crystallography for Industrial and Academic Chemists (2007)

Distinguished Service Metal, Harvard University, Department of Chemistry 2007

Workshop Instructor at Bruker/MIT Symposium (2006)

Invited Instructor for Summer School, X-ray Crystallography for Industrial Chemists, (2005).

President of Service Crystallography, Special Interest Group, (SIG) American Crystallographic Association (2002, 2003, 2014)

President of Industry, Special Interest Group, (SIG) American Crystallographic Association (2015)

Memberships in ACS, ACA, AAAS, AAPS and Protein Society Review proposals for General Science's proposal cycle, at the ALS. Sixteen proposal cycles have been done to date.

Publication of over 250 papers in peer reviewed Journals

Current Research

Recent interests involve the development of crystallization techniques and procedures that can provide single crystals of small organic or inorganic compounds quickly and efficiently. This includes the formation of a laboratory section of the x-ray course to include crystal growing of simple organic compounds and expansion to Macromolecular X-ray Diffraction.

Tools utilized and interpreted in research include: X-ray Analysis (CCD area, P4, P3, CAD4 & AFC5); Molecular Modeling (CAChe, MM2, Fenske Hall); Multinuclear NMR; Atomic force microscopy; electron microscopy; powder diffraction; Electrochemical Techniques; UV-Vis, IR and GC & FAB Mass Spectroscopy; Schlenk line, inert atmosphere synthesis.

Proffesional Experience

Harvard University
Lecturer in X-ray Crystallography
Manager Crystallographic Laboratory

  • Supervise and operate all aspects of the laboratory Teaching Crystal Symmetry, Diffraction and Structure Analysis Theory and Practice, Chem. 154
  • Supervised operations of Macromolecular CCD System
  • Over saw construction and design of new x-ray facilities
  • Consultant to Industry and other academics on Chemistry and Crystallography

University of Idaho
Manager Single-Crystals X-ray Diffraction Laboratory

  • Supervise and operate all aspects of the laboratory and computer facilities.
  • Taught X-Ray Crystallography, Theory and Practice. (CH 565)
  • Setup and purchased all components of the laboratory from scratch. Including computers, microscope and accessories.
  • Kept track of expenses and income to establish a budget surplus upon departure.
  • Acquired funds to purchase Indigo2 SGI workstation.
  • Promoted x-ray diffraction as a tool for chemists.

Texas A&M University
Supervised research activities in Dr. J. P. Fackler’s group

  • Supervised purchasing (including $45,000 Fluorometer).
  • Assist in guidance of graduate and undergraduate research.
  • Organized Poster Session, Contemporary Inorganic Chemistry: A Symposium in Honor of F.A. Cotton. (March 1995)
  • Taught Advanced Inorganic Laboratory. (Spring 1994)
  • Taught 300 students freshman chemistry. (Fall 1993)

University of Toledo

  • Teaching Assistant (1 year), Research Assistant (3 years)
  • Supervised operation of NMR instrumentation
  • Supervised Undergraduate Research (2 years)