Principal Investigator
Professor James E. Jackson (Ned)
Curriculum Vitae    

As a pioneer in hydridic to protonic hydrogen-hydrogen hydrogen bonding, Professor Jackson (Ned) reshaped our understanding of hydrogen bonding with his high impact publications. His ACS Chemical Reviews article, Dihydrogen Bonding: Structures, Energetics, and Dynamics, has been cited over 400 times to date. Ned is also well-known for his diverse and in-depth understanding on thermodynamics, organic mechanisms, and computational calculations among his colleagues, collaborators, and the academic community. Today, Ned has published and co-authored over 120 publications on different areas in chemistry, holding a number of academic patents, and has been invited to conduct lectures across the globe. Recently, Ned has reached out to green chemistry by tackling the renewable energy problem using biomass to replace the depleting fossil fuels. His innovative strategy of using renewable electricity in upgrading biomass fast-pyrolysis oil is one of the most creative, yet neat, concepts in the field of bio-fuel production.
Meet Our Team

Dr. Mikhail Redko
Visiting Scientist

Dr. Zhen Fang
Post Doc
Graduate Students

Tayeb Kakeshpour

GracieLou Klinger
Chemistry and Biochemistry (Co-advised by Prof. Eric Hegg)

Benjamin Appiagyei

Yuting Zhou

Monique Noel

Cesar Plascencia

Sophie Bedford

Bill Killian
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (Co-advised by Prof. )
Undergraduate Researchers

Julian Ingram-Palmer
Chemical Engenering

Madison Jenner

Gabriela Keeney

Leonardo LaCivita
Chemical Engineering

Sam Liao
Computer Engineering

Chase Lindeboom
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Chris McAllister

Kyle Kilponen
Chemical Engineering

Davina Spears

Driscilla Tettey
Human Development and Family Studies

Jack Walch

Abby Wester
Group Alumni