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Abstract Submission and Maintenance
The deadline for abstract submission has passed. For late abstract submissions please contact the QSCP-XIII organizers at . Please note that late submissions may not be included in the printed book of abstracts.
You may submit any number of abstracts. Details of acceptable abstract format can be seen here. Each submitted abstract will be viewable on the QSCP-XIII web site immediately after submission. Each of your abstracts will have a number associated with it. These numbers are only used within the Abstract Submission and Maintenance facility to identify a particular abstract. The abstract submission period is closed, so you should have one abstract for each presentation or poster you plan to present. If you do not contact the organizers at .
Last Updated: January 29, 2008
URL: http://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/QSCP13/ssl/QSCP13_AbstractSub1.asp |