Abstract Information
You abstract(s) will be uploaded through the Abstract Information & Submission link as a PDF file. Please make sure that all fonts are properly embedded in the PDF file.
The guidelines for preparing the abstract are as follows:
- The abstract should fit on one page of Letter (8.5 by 11 inch) paper, have 1 inch margins on all edges (1 inch = 2.54 cm), and have no page numbers.
- Arial font and single spacing should be used throughout.
- The title should be centered and set with 14-point bold font style, with the first letter of important words capitalized.
- The authors should be listed below the title in 12-point regular font style, with the name of the presenting author underlined. A single blank line should be placed between the title and the author list.
- The affiliations should be set with 12-point italic font style and placed below the list of authors with different authors affiliations identified by superscript lower case letters - a, b, c, etc.
- The main body of text should be fully justified and set in 12-point regular font style. A single blank line should be placed between the affiliations and the main text.
- References, denoted by superscript numbers in the text, should be listed at the end of the text, using 11-point regular font style. The referencing style used by the Journal of Chemical Physics is preferred.
- Equations, figures, graphs, and schemes can be used in the abstract if this aids the understanding of the text.
To see a sample abstract, click here.
Once your abstract has been prepared, the PDF file will be uploaded on line. You will also be required to enter the title of your abstract in the form used for submission.
Last Updated: January 24, 2008
URL: http://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/QSCP13/QSCP13_AbstractInfo.asp |