Award Winning women

2008 Finalist ACS Outstanding Local Section Women Chemists Committee
2007 Awardee ACS Outstanding Local Section Women Chemists Committee
2006 Awardee ACS Outstanding Local Section Women Chemists Committee
The ACS Local Section Activities Committee (LSAC) disburses approximately $115,000 annually to local sections through the “Local Section Innovative Projects Grant Program,” begun in 2004, to encourage local sections to conceive of and implement innovative projects to strengthen the functioning of the local section. Projects which support local section and division interaction are especially encouraged. With funding from this grant, WiC put together a seminar series entitled “Things Every Scientist Should Know—Outside the Laboratory”. Students of all levels and disciplines were encouraged to participate, hearing from speakers on nutrition and health, financial planning, scientific writing skills, and job hunting.
2005 Awardee ACS Local Section Innovation Grant
Michigan State participated in several outreach events for girls with an interest in chemistry in 2004. Events included the Girls Math/Science Conference at Okemos High School, a Scout Chemistry Merit Badge Day, and many NCW events.
2005 Awardee MSU Sustained Effort Toward Excellence in Diversity
The Excellence in Diversity Recognition and Awards Program (EIDA) was created to promote and encourage support of diversity by recognizing people that have demonstrated outstanding leadership and creativity in the area of diversity. There are two separate parts of the EIDA program: (1) "Diversity Achievements" recognizes individuals, teams, units and organizations, and (2) "Students Making A Difference Through Artistic Expression" recognizes talented students who express diversity artistically.
2004 Finalist ACS Outstanding Outreach to Girls or Young Women
2004 Awardee ACS Outstanding Local Section Women Chemists Committee | Pictured above
2003 Awardee ACS Outstanding Local Section Women Chemists Committee
2002 Finalist ACS Outstanding Local Section Women Chemists Committee
2001 Finalist ACS Outstanding Local Section Women Chemists Committee
2000 Awardee ACS Outstanding Local Section Women Chemists Committee