American Chemical Society
Form:  Part IV Self Nomination for Chemluminary Awards Optional

Organization:  Michigan State University
Year:  2006
 Please Read Before Completing this Section
Part IV of the annual report is OPTIONAL; local sections are not required to complete this part of the report.
Part IV is used to collect nominations for a variety of local section awards. Local sections that postmark or submit their complete annual report electronically by February 15, 2007 may nominate themselves for a variety of ACS awards, by completing this portion of the annual report. Local Sections may complete the EZ Annual Report form and self-nominate themselves for any of the awards except the ACS Award for Outstanding Performance by Local Sections.
For eligibility, local sections must complete Part IV of the annual report. A local section may nominate themselves in several categories. However, only one nomination per award category is permitted. A separate form must be completed for each award entry and included in Part IV. Selection of the award winners is determined solely by members of the Committee presenting the awards. Award finalists will be announced in June 2007; winners will be announced on August 21, 2007 at the ChemLuminary Awards, held during the Fall National Meeting in Boston, MA.
Description of Activity or Program: Please provide a synopsis of the activity/program and state clearly, in 1,000 words or less, why the activity/program merits consideration for this particular award. Only activities/programs that were held in 2006 are eligible for consideration. You may wish to include the following in your description: Name of Activity/Program; Date Conducted; Site/Location; Number of Participants. You may submit pictures, newspaper clippings, announcements, etc. by hard copy, to support your nomination. Please refer to the specific guidelines for each award. Descriptions are limited to 1,000 words or less.
2-3 Sentence Abstract: Please provide a 2-3 sentence abstract that describes your program or activity. If you are selected as a finalist, this abstract will appear in the program booklet that will be distributed at the Chemluminary awards.
Award Categories Include:

ACS Awards for Outstanding Performance by Local Sections
Local Section Activities Committee Awards
Most Innovative New Activity or Program in a Local Section
Best Activity or Program in a Local Section Stimulating Membership Involvement
Local Section Career Program Awards
Local Section Public Relations and Communications Awards
Outstanding Continuing Public Relations Program of Local Section
Best New Public Relations Program
Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) Awards for Local Sections and Divisions
Outstanding Local Section Younger Chemists Committee
Outstanding or Creative Local Section Younger Chemists Committee Event
Outstanding New Local Section Younger Chemists Committee
Local Section Women Chemist Awards
Outstanding Single Event in a Local Section Promoting Women in the Chemical Sciences
Outstanding Overall Local Section Women Chemists Committee
Outstanding Outreach to Girls or Young Women
Society Committee on Education Awards
ACS Student Affiliate Chapter Interaction Award
Outstanding High School Student Program Award
Outstanding Kids and Chemistry Award
Local Section Minority Affairs Committee Awards
Best Overall Local Section Committee on Minority Affairs
Outstanding ACS Scholars Program Award
ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry
Award for Innovative Initiatives in Polymer Science
ChemLuminary Awards for National Chemistry Week
Outstanding Community Involvement in NCW
Outstanding Event for the General Public Using the Yearly Theme
Outstanding Teacher Program
Outstanding Event for a Specific Audience
Best NCW Contest
Most Original Hands-on Activity or Chemical Demonstration
Best Student Affiliate Event
Outstanding Industrial Involvement
Outstanding On-going NCW Event
Government Affairs Committee Award
ACS President's Award for Local Section Government Affairs
Chemists with Disabilities Award
Chemists with Disabilities Inclusion Award
 ACS Award for Outstanding Performance by Local Sections
Our Section would like to be nominated for the ACS Awards for Outstanding Performance Awards by a Local Section.
These awards are given by the Local Section Activities Committee and recognize local sections that have demonstrated exceptional, overall achievement. The awards are judged in six size categories. For further information regarding the criteria used in selecting the award winners, go to:
Merlin Bruening
Michigan State University
Department of Chemistry
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-355-9715 x237
* Description:
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to 1,000 Words
or Less

The Michigan State University Local Section has
participated in and sponsored a very wide variety of
activities with the goals of education in the chemical
sciences, outreach to our community, and greater
participation by minorities and women in the
field of chemistry. The cornerstone of these
activities in the past year occurred around National
Chemistry Week. The largest event sponsored was
"Chemistry Day at Impression 5". Impression 5 is a
local science activity center located in downtown
Lansing. In order to bolster community support for the
activity center we held an outreach activity there
centered on demonstrations and hands-on activities for
the public. The demonstrations were performed by many 
volunteers from MSU as well as high school groups.  
Both Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts attended and were 
rewarded for participation by receipt of a patch 
expounding the  theme 
of the event. Nearly 2000 people 
attended the event (including more than 700 scouts) 
which was publicized through the 
scout councils, in area newspapers, and on the web. 
The Women in Chemistry (WiC) program is 
extraordinarily active with numerous engagements 
during the past year. For example, WiC organized a 
Chemistry Merit Badge Day, presented 
workshops at the annual Girls' Math 
Science Conference, held a welcoming luncheon for 
incoming graduate students, and more.  The local 
section was also heavily involved in the education of 
students below the college level. Some of the 
activities for grade school level students are listed 
above such as Chemistry Day at Impression 5, 
Chemistry Merit Badge Day, and 
the Girls Math Science Conference. 
In addition, the MSU local section 
held a Chemistry Olympiad competition.  We are also 
in the fourth year of participation in Project SEED.  
The Younger Chemists Committee of the local section 
is also active.  The 
local section also sponsored the Organic Chemistry 
Club, which is co-organized by Babak Borhan and the 
treasurer of our local section (Prof. Rob Maleczka). 
The group meets weekly to discuss problems in organic 
chemistry, watchlectures, etc. In addition to the 
activities above, the local section gave financial 
support to students to attend national ACS meetings 
and presented 
outstanding undergraduate students with awards.   As 
can be seen from the brief description above, the MSU 
local section has been extremely active in the 
education and involvement of people of all ages in 
the chemical sciences.
2-3 Sentence
Abstract for
Program Booklet

The Michigan State University Local Section has
participated in and sponsored a very wide variety of
activities with the goals of education in the chemical
sciences, outreach to our community, and greater
participation by minorities and women in the
field of chemistry. The cornerstone of these
activities in the past year occurred around National
Chemistry Week where we sponsored "Chemistry Day at
Impression 5", which had nearly 2000 people in 
Picture of

 Local Section Activities Committee Awards
Our Section would like to be nominated for the Most Innovative New Activity or Program in a Local Section.
This award is given by the Local Section Activities Committee and recognizes a local section for an innovative new activity or program.

* Description:
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to 1,000 Words
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2-3 Sentence
Abstract for
Program Booklet

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Our Section would like to be nominated for the Best Activity or Program in a Local Section Stimulating Membership Involvement.
This award is given by the Local Section Activities Committee and recognizes a local section for an activity or program that stimulated membership involvement.

Amy Pollock
Department of Chemistry
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-355-9715 x201
* Description:
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to 1,000 Words
or Less

Chemistry Day at Impression 5
The MSU Local Section once again ushered in National
Chemistry Week with our 20th annual Chemistry Day
hands-on activity/demonstration event held from 10 am
to 3:30 pm on Saturday, October 28, 2006 at Impression
5 Science Center, a local hands-on science museum. 
This activity stimulates lots of member involvement. 
This year ~40 ACS members participated in the event. 
This is 10% of the MSU local section membership.

Admission to the event and hands-on museum was free,
thanks to a generous donation from MBI International, 
Lansing biotechnology firm.  The total attendance for
the event was approximately 2,000 people.

Though the event was open to the public, Girl Scout 
Boy Scout troops were specifically invited to
pre-register and attend by publicizing the event
through the local councils.  Any scout attending
received a scout patch (this is the seventh year we
have done this; the patch is the NCW theme patch
purchased from the ACS).  The total scout attendance
was 732, including 565 Boy Scouts and 167 Girl Scouts.
 Forty tables of hands-on activities, most consistent
with the theme, were presented by graduate and
undergraduate students from the Michigan State
University Department of Chemistry, freshman chemistry
students from the MSU Lyman Briggs School of Science,
undergraduates from the MSU Chemical Engineering
Department, representatives from the MSU Chapter of
NOBCChE (National Organization of Black Chemists and
Chemical Engineers), the MSU student-led science
outreach troupe Science Theatre, and several members 
the Alpha Chi Sigma professional chemistry fraternity.
 Two local high schools also sent teams of student
demonstrators.  Theme related activities included
demonstrations and hands-on activities involving 
paints, testing the hardness of water, paper
chromatography of household inks, using red cabbage
indicator to test the pH of household items, synthesis
of nylon rope (pictured), fruit batteries, the
chemistry of stain removers, a carbon dioxide leaky
faucet, calculating the speed of light using
marshmallows in a microwave, absorption and remission
of light (and many more!).  In addition to the
participation patch, each participant received an NCW
activity newspaper, a Hooray for Chemistry bag, an
NCW pencil, and an NCW helium balloon.  Total number 
volunteers (member & non-member): 156. 
Visit our website:
2-3 Sentence
Abstract for
Program Booklet

Chemistry Day at Impression 5 is the MSU Local 
Section's annual NCW celebration.  This is our 
biggest event each year with 10% of our membership 
participating.  Over 2000 people attended this hands-
on activity/chemical demonstration event, including 
approximately 730 scouts who earned participation 
Picture of
: ChemistryDay_Impression5.JPG

 Local Section and Division Activities Committees Award
Local Section and Division Interaction Award

A Local Section or Division may nominate themselves for up to 3 Joint Awards. However, if the same Division and Local Section have held several joint events these should be combined into one nomination. A separate form must be completed for each entry. Nominations are limited to 1,000 words and should (1) describe the nature of the Local Section-Division interaction, (2) Indicate the division which conducted the joint event or activity and (3) explain why it should be considered for the award. Please do not send supporting materials. Events should be innovative and extra consideration will be given to events that reach a wide audience, and have good publicity. Activities which were organized and planned jointly rather than simply financially supported by one or other group will be favored. The nomination must reflect the criteria for the award and must be unique for each entry.
Our Local Section would like to be considered for the Local Section and Division Interaction Award

* Description:
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to 1,000 Words
or Less

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of Event
 Local Section Career Program Awards
Our Section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Local Section Career Program Award.
These awards are given by the Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs and recognize both a large to very large and a small to medium large local section that have demonstrated career programs that facilitate and contribute to a significant number of members' professional development. Only local sections with trained coordinators are eligible for the award.

* Description:
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to 1,000 Words
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2-3 Sentence
Abstract for
Program Booklet

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 Local Section Public Relations Award
Our Section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Continuing Public Relations Program of Local Section.
This award is given by the Committee on Public Relations and Communications to Local Sections that continue to maintain outstanding public relations programs.
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to 1,000 Words
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Abstract for
Program Booklet

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Our Section would like to be nominated for the Best New Public Relations Program.
This award is given by the Committee on Public Relations and Communications to Local Sections for the best new public relations program.
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2-3 Sentence
Abstract for
Program Booklet

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 Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) Awards for Local Sections and Divisions
Our Section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Local Section Younger Chemists Committee Award.
This award is given by the Younger Chemists Committee and recognizes local section YCCs that demonstrate organizational stability, solid membership and participation, involvement with their ACS local section, and an overall balance of activities (career development, scientific, social, outreach, etc.) (Note: to be eligible for this award you must also complete the YCC annual report form and include it in Appendix 6 of the local section annual report.)

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2-3 Sentence
Abstract for
Program Booklet

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Our section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding or Creative Younger Chemist Committee Event.
This award is given by the Younger Chemists Committee and recognizes a local section event that had the greatest impact on younger chemists or was especially creative or unique. (Note: to be eligible for this award you must also complete the YCC annual report form and include it in Appendix 6 of the local section annual report.)

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Abstract for
Program Booklet

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Our Section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding New Local Section Younger Chemist Committee Award.
This award is given by the Younger Chemists Committee and is presented to new local section YCCs (within the first two years of existence or revitalization) that demonstrate an outstanding potential for organization and growth. (Note: to be eligible for this award you must also complete the YCC annual report form and include it in Appendix 6 of the local section annual report.)

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2-3 Sentence
Abstract for
Program Booklet

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 Local Section Women Chemists Awards
Best Single Event in a Local Section Promoting Women in the Chemical Sciences
Our Section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Single Event in a Local Section Promoting Women in the Chemical .

This award is given by the Women Chemists Committee and recognizes an event supported by a local section that addresses the concerns of women who are pursuing a career in the chemical sciences or who may be considering a career in the chemical sciences. Examples include a program highlighting women's present or past contributions in the chemical sciences, an outreach program to women science students, or an event that offers networking or training opportunities to women actively engaged in the chemical sciences.
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Abstract for
Program Booklet

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Our Section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Overall Local Section Women Chemists Committee.
This award is given by the Women Chemists Committee and recognizes a local section Women Chemists Committee with an ongoing commitment to programs that address the concerns of women in the chemical sciences, including outreach to women students in the chemical sciences, and increased awareness of women's contributions to the chemical sciences. Examples include participation in Expanding Your Horizon conferences, mentoring of chemical science students, and innovative programs by and about women in the chemical sciences.
Amber Hupp
Department of Chemistry
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-355-9715 ext 247
* Description:
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to 1,000 Words
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The women graduate students at Michigan State 
University founded ACS Women in Chemistry (WiC) in 
1997 after recognizing the need for a support network 
on both personal and professional levels.  WiC 
provides a venue for women who have or are pursing 
advanced degrees in chemistry or other related fields 
to interact, build networks, and support each other 
through their graduate careers and beyond.  WiC is 
primarily composed of graduate students, postdocs, 
specialists, and faculty members in the MSU 
Department of Chemistry, but also involves women in 
other departments and schools on campus, as well as 
undergraduate students and professional women in the 
community.  The ninth year of WiC has been very 
successful and rewarding for the members.  
Membership, participation, and activities continue to 
increase in an effort to constantly change and evolve 
as the interests and needs of the group change.  The 
women of WiC set goals for 2006 including expanding 
and diversifying participation in WiC activities, 
continuing the extensive community outreach program, 
and building and supporting the womens network at 

To expand and promote participation in WiC activities 
from the community beyond the Department of 
Chemistry, WiC hosted luncheon at the ACS Central 
Regional Meeting in Frankenmuth, MI.  The guest 
speaker was Patricia Moore, a chemist from Dow 
Corning in Midland, MI.  With over 50 attendees, 
including both male and female graduate students and 
professionals, Ms. Moore focused her presentation on 
what it means to her to be a member of the chemistry 
community.  She impacted the audience by describing 
her activities in the community and how she feels it 
is important to touch a life and leave a legacy on 
younger members of the community.  The event provided 
a welcoming atmosphere for attendees to meet and 
discuss current issues for chemists.  WiC was pleased 
with the turnout of the event and was happy to have 
the opportunity to host such a function.  

Another major focus of 2006 was to continue and 
strengthen the outreach program that WiC deems an 
important way to give to the community and build the 
interest of young people in the sciences.  This year, 
Women in Chemistry served as state event coordinators 
for the chemistry laboratory event in the Michigan 
Science Olympiad.  WiC wrote and proctored a 
laboratory practical exam for high school students 
competing in the event.  WiC also continued their 
annual participation in Chemistry Day at Impression V 
Science Center in Lansing, MI, performing hands-on 
demonstrations for children in the area.  Women in 
Chemistry held the third and fourth-annual Scout 
Chemistry Merit Badge Day at MSU.  This event 
provides the opportunity for area boy scouts to earn 
their chemistry merit badge, and area girl scouts to 
earn a chemistry interest project patch (IPP).  WiC 
designed activities and requirements for the IPP for 
girl scouts in 2004, as the Girl Scout Council did 
not formerly have the option of a chemistry patch.  
This year over 40 girl and boy scouts registered for 
each event.  WiC also participated in the annual 
Girls Math/Science Conference which invites sixth-
grade girls with an expressed interested in math and 
science to participate in a day of experiments.  WiC 
members held two experiments and 
demonstrations: Chemical Properties of Soil 
and Solving Murder with Makeup.  WiC holds the idea 
of cultivating interest in chemistry and the sciences 
in young girls and boys at the highest regard, and 
find such outreach activities to be an integral part 
of our mission.

Women in Chemistry also sees the need to contribute 
to the community at large in building awareness about 
womens issues outside of the laboratory.  In 2006, 
WiC participated in the American Cancer Societys 
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk for the 
fourth consecutive year, raising $3,800 for breast 
cancer research and awareness.  Sixteen WiC members 
and other concerned members of the MSU community 
walked with the WiC team, contributing to the growing 
number of total supporters.  WiC raised funds for the 
walk through personal donations, an ice cream social, 
and sale of pink bracelets, pins, and pink ribbons, 
the symbol of breast cancer awareness.  
WiC focuses on constantly building and strengthening 
the network of women in sciences at MSU, and 
recognizes the need for social activities as a way to 
create this supportive environment.  Some activities 
towards this end in 2006 included an end-of-the-
semester potluck dinner at the home of Dr. Kathryn 
Severin for women in the department, the annual 
welcome luncheon for incoming graduate students, and 
an evening creating dinners at Main Dish Kitchen. 
These activities serve to create a supportive, 
familiar environment for women to discuss their 
concerns, as well as provide a way for WiC to 
increase membership.

MSU WCCs various activities, both within the 
university and beyond, prove that it is an 
Outstanding Overall Local Section Women Chemist 
Committee.  WCCs contributions to the Department of 
Chemistry, the University at large, and the local 
community through outreach to children and adults, 
have established WiC as a well respected and reliable 
organization that constantly strives to better the 
environment for all people, especially women in the 
sciences.  Our group is very proud of our 
accomplishments, and looks forward to future growth 
and opportunities.
2-3 Sentence
Abstract for
Program Booklet

ACS Women in Chemistry at Michigan State University 
provides a supportive environment for women graduate 
students, faculty, and postdocs and has continued to 
grow and change in 2006.  To meet the needs of a 
broader audience, WiC hosted a luncheon at the ACS 
Central Regional Meeting where Patricia Moore 
discussed how members of the community should touch 
a life and leave a legacy.  WiC also has continued 
to provide extensive outreach activities to the youth 
of the area through activities such as Scout 
Chemistry Merit Badge Day, Science Olympiad, Girls 
Math/Science Conference, and National Chemistry 
Week.  WiC has had an extremely successful 2006 and 
looks forward to helping support graduate students 
and the community in the coming years.
Picture of

Our Section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Outreach to Girls or Young Women.
This award is given by the Women Chemists Committee to recognize a local section for programming targeted at involving girls or young women (K-12 and undergraduates) in the chemical sciences. Examples include hands-on activities, panel discussions, and tours.
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Abstract for
Program Booklet

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 Society Committee on Education Awards
Our Section would like to be nominated for the ACS Student Affiliates Chapter Interaction Award.
This award is given by the Society Committee on Education and recognizes an ACS local section that has contributed significantly to the pre-professional development of ACS Student Affiliates (SA) in its region. The award recipient will have demonstrated considerable interaction with SA chapters by initiatives such as inviting chapter members to participate in local section monthly meetings and activities; assisting with SA chapter activities by providing speakers or volunteers or contributing to the overall success of the chapters in other ways; and encouraging SA attendance at ACS national and regional meetings by providing travel assistance to chapters in their section.

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Program Booklet

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Our Section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding High School Student Program Award

This award is given by the Society Committee on Education and is designed to congratulate and recognize local sections that have organized or sponsored outstanding chemistry programs for high school students, such as the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad (USNCO) program, science fairs, or chemistry clubs. Winning local sections must demonstrate that they have organized and conducted effective student programs. Outstanding programs should present evidence of the success of their programs in involving students and teachers, appealing to a diverse student population with a variety of activities or events that are relevant to the teaching environment, involving local business/industry, engaging in appropriate publicity, and encouraging involvement of the academic community in the program.

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Program Booklet

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Our Section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Kids & Chemistry Program Award
The Kids & Chemistry (K&C) program is designed for ACS members who are interested in volunteering in elementary school classrooms to help ensure that quality hands-on science education occurs. This award is presented by the Society Committee on Education and will be awarded to the local section with the highest quality of K&C outreach accomplishments. Programs will be judged based on the number and quality of events (hands-on, interactive involvement is desired), number of volunteers, number of students/schools involved, involvement of local business/industry, publicity, and the effectiveness of the events and programs

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Program Booklet

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 Local Section Minority Affairs Committee Awards
Our section would like to be nominated for the Best Overall Local Section Committee on Minority Affairs
This award is given by the Committee on Minority Affairs and recognizes a local section committee on minority affairs that consistently promotes and encourages the participation and leadership of underrepresented minorities in the chemical sciences. Examples of qualifying activities may include mentoring minority students, collaborative events with minority advocacy organizations in science, science fairs in underrepresented communities, and programs that foster awareness of minority contributions to the chemical sciences.
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Program Booklet

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Our section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding ACS Scholars Program Award
This award is given by the Committee on Minority Affairs and recognizes the local section that most actively supports the ACS Scholars Program by including Scholars in the general activities of the section. For example, winning sections should demonstrate that they are providing successful mentoring opportunities through a variety of activities such as securing summer internships for ACS Scholars, financially supporting the program and/or incorporating Scholars into events like National Chemistry Week.
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Program Booklet

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 ChemLuminary Awards for National Chemistry Week
The American Chemical Society?s ChemLuminary Awards for National Chemistry Week, formally the Phoenix Awards, were established to recognize local sections that have demonstrated exemplary performance in the development and implementation of outstanding activities in support of National Chemistry Week during the previous calendar year.

A local section may nominate for up to three ChemLuminary Awards for National Chemistry Week. However, only one per award is permitted. Nominations are limited to 1,000 words and should (1) describe the event or activity and (2) explain why it should be considered for that particular award. Please do not send supporting materials. In general, extra consideration will be given to events that are innovative, use the yearly theme, reach a wide audience, and have good publicity. The abstract must reflect the criteria for the award category and must be unique for each entry.

Our section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Community Involvement in NCW
Recognizes a local section that generates the greatest amount of community participation. Judging Criteria: Audience Participation, Variety of Programming, Creativity and Innovation, Volunteer Involvement/Collaboration, Publicity, and Geographical Reach
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Program Booklet

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Our section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Event for the General Public Using the Yearly Theme Award

Recognizes a local section for an innovative public event using the current NCW theme.
Regcognizes a local section for an innovative public event using the current NCW theme. Juiging Criteria: Pertinence to the Theme, Creativity and Innovation, Volunteer Involvement/Collaboration, Audience Reached, and Publicity
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Program Booklet

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Our section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Teacher Program
Recognizes a local section for conducting an outstanding event or activity with of K-12 grade teachers during or in preparations for NCW. Judging Criteria: Participation of Teachers, Diversity of Activities/Events, Involvement of Academic Community, Relevance to Teaching Environment, Variety of Programming, and Publicity
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Program Booklet

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Our Section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Event for a Specific Audience Award
Recognizes a local section for an event that targets a specific group: such as underrepresented minority groups, scout troops, government officials, senior citizens, people with disabilities, or other specific audiences (not including teachers). Judging Criteria: Audience Reached, Pertinence to the Theme, Creativity and Innovation, Volunteer Involvement/Collaboration, and Publicity
Amy Pollock
Department of Chemistry
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-355-9715 x201
* Description:
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to 1,000 Words
or Less

The MSU Local Section once again ushered in National
Chemistry Week with our 20th annual "Chemistry Day"
hands-on activity/demonstration event held from 10 am
to 3:30 pm on Saturday, October 28, 2006 at Impression
5 Science Center, a local hands-on science museum. 
Admission to the event and hands-on museum was free,
thanks to a generous donation from MBI International, 
Lansing biotechnology firm.  The total attendance for
the event was approximately 2,000 people, including 
Boy and Girl Scouts.  The event was publicized to the
general public through the local newspapers,
entertainment weeklies, web calendars, and before
science-themed movies at the local IMAX Theatre.  The
event was also publicized to the MSU community via a
posting in the weekly printed news bulletin.  

Though the event was open to the public, Girl Scout 
Boy Scout troops were specifically invited to
pre-register and attend by publicizing the event
through the local councils.  Any scout attending
received a scout patch (this is the seventh year we
have done this; the patch is the NCW theme patch
purchased from the ACS).  The total scout attendance
was 732, including 565 Boy Scouts and 167 Girl Scouts.
 Forty tables of hands-on activities, most consistent
with the theme, were presented by graduate and
undergraduate students from the Michigan State
University Department of Chemistry, freshman chemistry
students from the MSU Lyman Briggs School of Science,
undergraduates from the MSU Chemical Engineering
Department, representatives from the MSU Chapter of
NOBCChE (National Organization of Black Chemists and
Chemical Engineers), the MSU student-led science
outreach troupe Science Theatre, and several members 
the Alpha Chi Sigma professional chemistry fraternity.
 Two local high schools also sent teams of student
demonstrators.  Theme related activities included
demonstrations and activities of making paints, 
the hardness of water, paper chromatography of
household inks, using red cabbage indicator to test 
pH of household items, synthesis of nylon rope, fruit
batteries, the chemistry of stain removers and drain
cleaners (pictured), a carbon dioxide leaky faucet,
calculating the speed of light using marshmallows in a
microwave, absorption and remission of light (and many
more!).  In addition to the participation patch, each
participant received an NCW activity newspaper, a
"Hooray for Chemistry" bag, an NCW pencil, and an NCW
helium balloon.  Total number of volunteers (member &
non-member): 156. 
Visit our website:
2-3 Sentance
Abstract for
Program Booklet

Chemistry Day at Impression 5 is the MSU Local
Section's annual NCW celebration.  Although the event
is open to the public, area Boy and Girl Scouts are
specifically invited to participate.  This year 156
volunteers brought hands-on activities and chemical
demonstrations to over 2000 people, including
approximately 730 scouts who earned participation
patches.  The event was made possible by the
collaboration of MSU Local Section, MSU Department of
Chemistry, MBI International, Lansing Area Girl Scout 
Boy Scout Councils, two local high schools, and
Impression 5 Science Center.
Picture of
: scouts_ChemistryDay_Impression5.jpg
Our section would like to be nominated for the Best NCW Contest
Recognizes a local section for developing and conducting an innovative contest that generates large audience participation. Judging Criteria: Appropriateness, Creativity and Innovation, Volunteer Involvement/Collaboration, Audience Participation, and Publicity
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Abstract for
Program Booklet

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Our Section would like to be nominated for the Most Orginal Hands-on Activityor Chemical Demonstration
Recognizes a local section for conducting a novel or unusual hands-on activity or chemical demonstration that adheres to the NCW Safety Guidelines. (This award if for a single activity or demonstration, not an event.) Judging Criteria: Creativity and Innovation, Volunteer Involvement/Collaboration, Audience Reached, and Publicity
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Program Booklet

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Our Section would like to be nominated for the Best Student Affiliate Event
Recognizes a local section that coordinates and conducts a unique NCW event in which the ACS Student Affiliate Chapter(s) played a major role. Judging Criteria: Student Affiliate Involvement/Collaboration, Pertinence to Theme, Creativity and Innovation, Audience Participation, and Publicity
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Our section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Industrial Involvement Award
Recognizes a local section that generates the participation and support for NCW from industrial organizations and their employees Judging Criteria: Industrial Involvement/Collaboration, Pertinence to Theme, Creativity and Innovation, Audience Reached, and Publicity
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of Event
Our section would like to be nominmated for the Outstanding On-going NCW Event
Recognizes a local section for an outstanding event that has been conducted for at least three years (not awarded to the same section more than once in a 5 year period). Judging Criteria: Program Quality, Program Longevity, Volunteer Involvement/Collaboration, Audience Participation, Publicity, and Program Growth
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 Committee on Chemistry and Public Affairs Award
Our Section would like to be nominated for the ACS President's Award for Local Section Government Affairs
This award, sponsored by the ACS Committee on Chemistry and Public Affairs, recognizes a local section for outstanding efforts to increase member involvement in government affairs and advance public policy to benefit science and society. The award consists of $500 and a ChemLuminary Award. Selection criteria for the award includes the quality and extent of efforts to inform and engage ACS members on state or federal public policy issues and/or quality and extent of efforts to educate policymakers on science policy issues and the role of chemical science in policy and society.
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 Local Section Project Seed Committee Award
Our section would like to be nominated for the Outstanding Project SEED Program
This award is to recognize the local section organizing an outstanding Project SEED program. The award recipient must demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the SEED program, including outreach to high schools, local business/industry, and academic institutions. Winning local sections must demonstrate an outstanding organization and potential for growth. The award is also based on effective mentor and student interaction, local business/industry participation, and financial support
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 Chemists with Disabilities Award
Chemists with Disabilities Inclusion Award

This award will be given for recognition of program activities deemed to be most inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities. The purpose of the award is to increase the opportunities for interaction and personal participation in chemistry outreach activities by persons with disabilities who are frequently underrepresented by such programs.
Programs will be considered for this award if they include criteria such as, but not limited to:
Efforts to eliminate physical barriers to participation in the venue

Alternative methods and flexibility of performing essential tasks that take into account people with sensory/mobility/coordination limitations in order to maximize their personal participation
Emphasis on the chemical principles to be demonstrated and the chemical knowledge to be gained rather than a focus on the method of demonstration or performance of techniques

Efforts to educate as wide and inclusive an audience as possible to advance the practice and understanding of chemistry
Our Section would like to be nominated for the Chemists with Disabilities Inclusion Award
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