MSU Local Section American Chemical Society

ACS Central Regional Award in High School Chemistry Teaching

Ms. Annis Hapkiewicz, a teacher at Okemos High School, has been named the 1999-2000 Outstanding High School Chemistry Teacher of the Year by the MSU Local Section. This award recognizes the work and dedication of outstanding chemistry teachers within our section boundaries. The criteria for this award include excellence in teaching that inspires students to pursue careers in chemistry and related fields, demonstrated professional growth, and outreach to the educational community and the public at large.

Employed by the Okemos Public School District since 1970, Ms. Hapkiewicz currently teaches first-year and AP Chemistry and serves as the district's K-12 Science Coordinator. In addition, she has advised her school's National Honor Society, coached both Okemos High School Quiz Bowl and Science Olympiad teams, and assisted with the district's annual Science Day and Family Science nights.

Ms. Hapkiewicz’s contributions to the Michigan science community have been significant. She has been a member of the Michigan Science Teachers Association (MSTA) Board since 1986 and served in various capacities including President. She has worked with the Michigan Department of Education on the MEAP exams since 1986. She served as a member of the Science Advisory Board for Impressions 5 Science Museum from 1992-96.  She has been an adjunct instructor with the Michigan State University College of Natural Science since 1990. She is currently on the Advanced Placement Chemistry Test Development Team for Educational Testing Services, and has been a member of the College Board since 1992.

Ms. Hapkiewicz has published over 30 articles in the MSTA Journal, Science Teacher, and the Journal of Chemical Education. She had made over 30 presentations at various professional meetings, state-wide and nationally. She was a member of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Chemistry Summer travel team from 1991-1995, instructing other chemistry teachers at various sites throughout the country. She is also co-founder of the monthly local high school science teachers meeting sponsored by our local section. This meeting, first held in 1986, provides support for area chemistry teachers.

Ms. Hapkiewicz has been recipient of the 1998-99 MSTA Distinguished Service Award, the Okemos Kiwanis Outstanding Teacher Award in 1997 and 1999, listed as "Most significant teacher for a Westinghouse semifinalist" several times, and was a finalist for the MSTA Teacher of the Year. In 1991, she received the Michigan State University College of Natural Science Outstanding Teacher Award. As recipient of the 1999-2000 Outstanding High School Chemistry Teacher of the Year, Ms. Hapkiewicz will be the Michigan State University Local Section nominee for the 2001 Great Lakes Region II Award in High School Chemistry Teaching, sponsored by the American Chemical Society.