An Acrostic Quiz prepared by Melas
1. _____________ Ferguson's position on the playing field.
2. _____________ Lamberley: "In Sussex, south of ______. "
3. _____________ Such things do not happen in criminal practice in ______.
4. _____________ A bad business: the "Voyage of the Gloria ______. "
5. _____________ Ferguson displayed a fine collection of South American ____ and weapons
6. _____________ Does a twisted _____ explain a twisted child?
7. _____________ Mrs Ferguson's baby: "a wonderful mixture of the _____ and the Latin."
8. _____________ Holmes's wire: "WILL _____ YOUR CASE WITH PLEASURE"
9. _____________ Son Jacky's age in Roman numerals
10. _____________ the station from which Holmes and Watson departed for Sussex."
11. _____________ Holmes: "The world is big enough for us. No ghosts need ______."
12. _____________ A "she" but not a lady: "______ Briggs"
13. _____________ Mrs. Ferguson's country of birth.
14. _____________ "Your wife is a very good, a very loving, and a very ________ woman."
15. _____________ Ferguson's sport (or his team)
16. _____________ Jacky: "pale-faced and fair-skinned with _______ eyes.