Instructions for visualizing Gaussian results with molden

molden is a free visualization prgram which allows easy visualization of results of quantum chemistry calculations. It supports output files from many packages such as gaussian, MOPAC etc. In this class we would be interested in viewing Gaussian calculations with molden.

To start molden

cd to the directory containing your gaussian output file. Now on the unix prompt, simply type molden. you will see two windows open up on your screen. One large black window (where the molecules will be viewed) and one small control window through which you control the program. The control window looks as follows:

Note: The following picture and some of the text and pictures below have been copied from the website You may want to visit it for a more formal short tutorial on molden

Reading a gaussian output file into molden

You have to press the read button to read in a gaussian output file into molden. On pressing read, a dialog box will open which will show all the files in the current directory ( i.e. the directory you were in when you started molden ). If you have a gaussian output file in the current directory, click on it and molden will immediately draw the molecule on the black visualization window. Once the molecule is displayed here, you can do other things with it ( read on... )

Viewing vibrational modes with molden

If the gaussian file you have opened is a frequency calculation, you can view the various normal modes of vibrations of this molecule. To do that, press the Normal modes button on the top right hand side of the control window. You will see a window with a list of frequencies. These are the frequencies of normal modes of vibration of the molecule. Select the frequencies one by one to see what the molecular motion is in that mode.

A short description of the Molden interface

The left button row:

The middle row of buttons:

smiley about the autor
camera make gif screencapture
back colour change background colour
cell cell data
origin set origin
charges charges setup
vrml save vrml output
change disply hydrogens
exit Molden

Some of the functions at the left:

In the viewing area, you can rotate the molecule by keeping the left mouse button pressed in an area to the top, bottom, left or right of the molecule.