Micheal Alowakennu
Chemistry - 428
The potential of Ruthenium (Ru) and Iridium (Ir)-based systems as photocatalysts to affect a wide
range of organic transformations has been extensively studied. These species satisfy the general
criterion for a typical photocatalyst: good absorption cross-section, photostability, long lifetime,
high excited-state formation, reversible redox behavior, and tunable excited-state characteristics,
among others. However, the fact that these photocatalysts are made from rare and noble metals
raises legitimate questions on economic, environmental and scalability issues. Addressing such
issues, coupled with the quest for discovering unprecedented reactivity can be achieved by
shifting to the first-row transition series. A major drawback to the use of these first-row transition
metals is the ultrafast deactivation of the emissive charge-transfer states to lower-lying metal-
centered (MC) states,
which are usually characterized by structural distortions in the
chromophore. Recent studies have shown that these metal-centered ligand-field states can be
tuned and activated to participate in bimolecular chemistry.
Our group has focused on using
design strategies to understand the mechanism of reactivity associated with the metal-centered
state of these first-row congeners of Ru and Ir i.e., Iron (Fe) and Cobalt (Co), respectively. Although
isoelectronic to low-spin d
Fe(II), Co(III) presents a fundamentally different excited-state
dynamics. For example, Fe(II) had been documented to perform mild reductive chemistry from the
MC excited state,
but the relative stability of Co(II) versus Co(IV) could preferentially allow for
more potent, metal-centered oxidative photochemistry. To explore MC state reactivity in Co(III)
photosensitizers, my research will focus on synthetically tuning the ligand framework of selected
Co(III) systems using strong various bidentate and tridentate ligand scaffolds. Their potential to
be quenched will be probed based on their redox characteristics, and this will serve as a valuable
tool for catalyzing bimolecular coupling reactions that form the bedrock of organic synthesis.
1. Arias-Rotondo, D.; McCusker, J. K. The photophysics of photoredox catalysis: a roadmap for
catalyst design. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2016, 45, 5803−5820.
2. (a) McCusker,J. K. Electronic Structure in the Transition Metal Block and Its Implications for Light
Harvesting. Science 2019, 363, 484−488. (b) Zhang,W.; Alonso-Mori, R.; Bergmann, U.; Bressler, C.;
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Lemke, H. T.; Liang, H. W.; Meyer, D. A.; Nielsen, M. M.; Purser, C.; Robinson, J. S.; Solomon, E. I.;
Sun, Z.; Sokaras, D.; vanDriel, T. B.; Vankó, G.; Weng, T.; Zhu, D.; Gaffney, K. J. Tracking Excited-State
Charge and Spin Dynamics in Iron Coordination Complexes. Nature 2014, 509, 345−348.
3. Ting, S. I.; Garakyaraghi, S.; Taliaferro, C. M.; Shields, B. J.; Scholes, G. D.; Castellano, F. N.; Doyle, A.
d-d Excited States of Ni(II) Complexes Relevant to Photoredox Catalysis: Spectroscopic
Identification and Mechanistic Implications. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 5800−5810.
4. Woodhouse, M. D.; McCusker, J. K. Mechanistic Origin of Photoredox Catalysis Involving Iron(II)
Polypyridyl Chromophores. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 16229−16233.