CEM 991: Quantum Chemistry and Statistical Thermodynamics I, Fall 2022


CEM 991 has required lecture attendance and includes deadlines for completion of homework assignments. It also includes two midterm and one final exams.

Students enrolled in CEM 991 and the CEM 991 instructor must follow the MSU COVID guidelines.



Tuesday and Thursday 1:30 pm - 2:50 pm, Room 49, Chemistry Bldg. (in the basement).

Lectures begin on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, and end on Friday, December 11, 2022.

Students should get the software Mathematica from the MSU computer store, it is free.




Prof. Marcos Dantus, Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University, Chemistry Bldg., Room 58.

Office telephone: 517-353-1191.

Email (preferred): dantus @ chemistry .msu.edu

Websites: https://www.chemistry.msu.edu/faculty-research/faculty-members/marcos-dantus/ (department) and https://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/faculty/dantus/ (group)


Course web site:

https://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/courses/cem991/FS22 (this page).


Course syllabus:

The contents of the course, with references to the relevant chapters in the principal textbook (a PDF file), can be downloaded from here.


Office hours:

Mondays, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Room 58, Chemistry Bldg. For additional in-person or virtual appointments, contact the instructor by email.


Principal textbook (recommended, but not required), lecture notes, and handouts:

Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu, Lalo-, Quantum Mechanics Vols. One and Two

All homework assignments and exams will be based on the material presented by the instructor during lectures. Thus, attendance at the scheduled lectures is required and taking notes during the lectures is recommended to facilitate learning. For the students who must miss a class due to illness or other similarly serious circumstances, appropriate accommodations will be provided by the instructor.


Related books:

There are several Quantum Mechanics books in the main library and hundreds of Quantum Mechanics books and related topics available on the internet. Students are encouraged to consult different sources if a particular subject is not clear from the main textbook.


Homework assignments:

There will be weekly assignments. It is expected that students email their homework assignments as PDF files by 5:00 pm Eastern Time on the respective due dates. Late homework will not be accepted.


Midterm exams:

There will be two midterm exams, each contributing up to 25% to the final grade. The dates of midterm exams will be announced later.


Final exam:

The final exam will be scheduled after consulting with students. The final exam will contribute up to 30% to the final grade.



Grading and final grade assignment:

85.0 - 100.0 


75.0 -   84.9  


65.0 -   74.9 


60.0 -   64.9 


55.0 -   59.9  


50.0 -   54.9 %  


45.0 -   49.9 %  


  0.0 -   44.9 %   




  20 % of the final grade

Midterm exam I

  25 % of the final grade

Midterm exam II

  25 % of the final grade

Final exam

  30 % of the final grade


100 %






Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities:

Michigan State University is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services, and activities.  Requests for accommodations by persons with disabilities may be made by contacting the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities at 517-884-7273 or on the web at https://www.rcpd.msu.edu/. Once your eligibility for an accommodation has been determined, you will be issued a Verified Individual Services Accommodation (-VISA-) form. Please present this form to the instructor at the start of the semester and/or at least two weeks prior to the accommodation date (test, final exam, homework, etc.). Requests received after this date will be honored whenever possible.

MSU COVID-19 Guidance

Students and Professor should follow the MSU COVID-19 Guidance, the current version is found at:



Please do not attend class if you have been exposed to COVID or if you are experiencing symptoms that may be associated with COVID.