On Tuesday, February 13th, despite frigid temperature and heavy snow, twenty plus members of the Greek Interpreters met at Hershey's Steak and Seafood restaurant in East Lansing for our Winter meeting. In recognition of Valentine's eve, our reading and discussion was focussed on Chapter 12 of "The Sign of Four". It was here that Watson announced to Holmes his intention to marry Mary Morstan. As Sherlockian scholars well know, it is not clear whether this was Watson's first marriage. For further information, the interested reader is directed to The Wives of Dr. Watson.

The meeting opened with the customary Canonical Toasts to Mrs. Hudson, Mycroft Holmes, second Mrs. Watson and The Woman. Following the dinner, a resolution of the quiz was carried out by Bill Reusch (the chemist). This quiz and many earlier quizzes may be viewed here.
Our discussion of this chapter took a number of turns. First, the educational background of Small was questioned against his statement that "reading is not in my line". Subsequent events suggested he was not illiterate. Next, surprise at Small's anger on finding that Tonga had killed Bartholomew Sholto was expressed. He was after all complicit in several other murders. Conan Doyle's knowledge of India came under scrutiny in view of the islamic names he gave to the three Sikh members of the four.
At the meeting's conclusion, Mike DeGrow recited Vincent Starrett's "221B" poem, followed by our singing of The Anthem.

Many members requested an email address for Howard Brody, aka Foulest Antecedent, so with his permission it is: