• Title of project: "Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Astrophysics, and Mesoscopic Physics."
  • Source of funds: National Science Foundation, PHY-Nuclear Theory.
  • Funding period: 06/01/08-05/31/11.
  • Co-PIs: B.A. Brown (PI), M. Horoi, P. Piecuch, and V. Zelevinsky.
  • For a project summary, please click here. The NSF award abstract can be accessed by clicking here.

    Although the grant was awarded, the significant budget cut has reduced the ability of the PI and co-PIs to carry out the proposed work in its entirety. Unfortunately for the collaboration and against the recommendation by the Piecuch group, the PI made a decision that we were not given enough grant money to pursue the planned collaboration in the application of coupled cluster methods developed by the Piecuch group to nuclear structure, in spite of the significant successes these methods have had in in several earlier nuclear applications published by Piecuch and co-workers.